
Post Office enquiry

I'll wager that Vennels won't make the stand, instead claiming illness: it's impossible that conclude anything other that she lied to everybody and anybody having known about the issues for year.

If so, she should be dragged up to the stand (preferably by her hair) by a gang of convicted sub-postmasters.
The bstards are lying through their teeth, both Crozier and the other managing director clown who said the SPMs had their hands in the till, both said that they'd no idea that the PO could self prosecute. I mean WTAF?

The head of a company for ten years didn't know the company he headed could self prosecute. he must think people's head's button up the back.

I've nothing to do with the PO, never worked for them, have no relatives who has worked for them and yet I know they can self prosecute and have done since I was a wee boy.
When I first saw "Mr Bates vs the Post Office" I thought it was a dystopian sci-fi show, and had no idea it was a dramatization of true events.
I always thought the basic concept that no one in Fujitsu or the P O apart from the branch manager could access or edit the accounts had to be implausible.
What would happen if the manager was run over and hadn't made a note of his password?
Following on from that where did the missing funds go? Just assuming they were swallowed up in the mass cash flow sounds weak.
I wonder if some of those mild confessions and apologies by many involved mask a deeper guilt.
The BBC's live reporting has been and is excellent on this topic - it's here :-

I've managed to watch some of this via it being on Freeview's BBC 'news' channel. But, the sessions are long and I keep having to leave it to get other things done. Annoyingly, the video seems not to be available via the BBC's shedule pages for the channel and time!

Anyone know where trhe videos can be downloaded from without having to 'join' something? i.e. as per iPlayer for other BBC items.
I always thought the basic concept that no one in Fujitsu or the P O apart from the branch manager could access or edit the accounts had to be implausible.
What would happen if the manager was run over and hadn't made a note of his password?
Following on from that where did the missing funds go? Just assuming they were swallowed up in the mass cash flow sounds weak.
I wonder if some of those mild confessions and apologies by many involved mask a deeper guilt.

They knew from 2003 that Fujitsu could access the system remotely there was a Fujitsu whistle blower who eventually appeared in court in 2018 and confirmed this.

The missing funds? There were no missing funds, they essentially stole people's houses and assets when they had obtained a 'confession' of fund misappropriation or false accounting, even better if there was a conviction, plus the investigators received a 'bonus' as part of the asset recovery process ie they were incentivised to prosecute people.
FWIW I've been following this for many years via Private Eye. What is amazing is how the rest of the media largely ignored it for decades. Took an ITV drama series to make them wake up! (OK, BBC R4 did run some progs on it, but seemingly no-one much listened to them as no outburst of public/MP anger then.)
I've managed to watch some of this via it being on Freeview's BBC 'news' channel. But, the sessions are long and I keep having to leave it to get other things done. Annoyingly, the video seems not to be available via the BBC's shedule pages for the channel and time!

Anyone know where trhe videos can be downloaded from without having to 'join' something? i.e. as per iPlayer for other BBC items.

There's a brilliant podcast on BBC sounds it's by the journalist Nick Wallis, he became involved when the lady postmaster was sent to prison when she was seven months pregnant, her husband ran a taxi firm and had left a business card at the newspaper that the guy worked at at the time, the journalist eventually phoned the guy up and asked him if he had any 'juicy' local info he could let him have and that's when the husband told him about his wife being convicted, think this was back in 2010.

I've managed to watch some of this via it being on Freeview's BBC 'news' channel. But, the sessions are long and I keep having to leave it to get other things done. Annoyingly, the video seems not to be available via the BBC's shedule pages for the channel and time!

Anyone know where trhe videos can be downloaded from without having to 'join' something? i.e. as per iPlayer for other BBC items.
YouTube. It’s excruciating watching these folk squirm. Quite right they do!

There's a brilliant podcast on BBC sounds it's by the journalist Nick Wallis, he became involved when the lady postmaster was sent to prison when she was seven months pregnant, her husband ran a taxi firm and had left a business card at the newspaper that the guy worked at at the time, the journalist eventually phoned the guy up and asked him if he had any 'juicy' local info he could let him have and that's when the husband told him about his wife being convicted, think this was back in 2010.

Thanks. I have the BBC progs. I'll try the 'audioboom' podcasts, they look interesting. :) However I was really interested by the inquiry streams the BBC showed on 'Freeview' but seem not to have available via iPlayer! Fascinatng to see the culprits at PO trying to duck and dive when questioned. But many hours of it, and I couldn't watch it all live, alas!
YouTube. It’s excruciating watching these folk squirm. Quite right they do!

I suspected u-toob. However I've not currently got the current downloader prog working and don't want to use their method. Must try to sort that out as there are also loads of 'V-Discs' I still want to get and hear! :)
That Rodric is the epitome of an "unreliable witness" - not only can he not recall anything, that includes where he put the "k" that his name ends with...
Getting more interesting now Angela Van den Borgerd is on the stand.
What a load of charlatans and liars....even more obvious by what she is saying (or not saying...)
If no one from the Post Office gets jailed, there is something seriously wrong.
Getting more interesting now Angela Van den Borgerd is on the stand.
What a load of charlatans and liars....even more obvious by what she is saying (or not saying...)
If no one from the Post Office gets jailed, there is something seriously wrong.

You hope for at least one of them to say "in view of the appalling wrong that has been carried out against innocent people I am now going to tell this enquiry the whole truth of what I know down to the last detail. I owe it to them".

But this only happens in films....

On the same subject, a friend of mine was a management consultant who at one time had a contract to work with senior Post Office staff. He terminated it saying "they were impossible to work with".


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