
Audio Note Soro SE - Which one would you buy ??

There is a rather good valve Amp Designer/builder in Nicosia - Andreas Hadjiminas
I have one of his Phono amps and I think it’s pretty special
I have his email address if you need it - I know he had a couple of amps for sale a short while ago on the bay
New Valve Order/NVO
Yes I know Andreas! I knew about the Phono amp, but I was not aware of an NVO integrated.
I can get in touch!
Reposting my Meishu post in case someone has a view.

In the meantime I did some more local research and found this Meishu


I will do some reading on it and have asked the seller more info on the condition, age etc.
Its selling for 1k eur more than the Soro SEs.
This is a private seller.

I understand a higher grade and considerably more expensive amp when new.
Wanted to ask whether if anyone has tried the pairing with the AN-Js and wether it is considered a worthy upgrade to the Soro SE.
How is that possible? I would suggest to be careful with the listing but if you can get Silver Signature at such a price it will be the bargain of a century.

Having done a bit of research and I now understand...

Would have been much easier if I wan in Athens.
Seller is a hifi repair engineer listing onbehalf of a client.
Sounded really keen to demo the unit and was confident it is in great original condition.

Will try to a get a Greek friend to physically inspect and audition
I am currently waiting for a friend who is based in Athens to inspect and listen to the Meishu. This is likely to happen during the coming weekend.

In the meantime I identified another option at the other end of the cost spectrum

Its and audio note kit 4 which can get me started with the AN-Js.

I could not find a lot of info online other than it being a 10w pc SET kit amplifier.
This example has been assembled by a professional.

Anyone has experience with this amplifier??


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