
I know which one I’d choose

This reminds me of asking ChatGPT who’d win a fight between Kirk and Dr Spock…

I got a long wishy-washy answer about them being pals, as it didn’t realise I obviously meant the American p(a)ediatrician with a side hustle as a political activist.
On reflection, I'll have this one.

It's not a actually requires no answers. Typical fishie behaviour to voice many opinions for such a well asked statement though.

I'm now leaning more towards the one second in from the right...
I think to challenge Joe’s choice questions his integrity. Joe, it’s time you spoke up unless you’ve been too busy besotted with it.
I know it's not profound or nuthin’, but I really do know which one I’d choose.

Then you have already chosen, Joe, and it's not a hypothetical question and should instead be reworded to: 'I know which one I have chosen'.

You're welcome.


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