
Windows 10 Security Updates past 2025


pfm Member
We all know that Windows 10 will get its last security update some time in 2025. They have anounced that security updates will be available for an extra 3 years even for Joe Bloggs as long as they pay. The hope is you will get them for free if you are a subscriber to one of Microsofts Office packages. No more information yet available ( Windows Weekly Paul Thurrott)


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they did that with windows 7 at a high cost
1Year 1January 2020 - January 2021$50 per device$25 per device
2Year 2January 2021 - January 2022$100 per device$50 per device
3Year 3January 2022 - January 2023$200 per device
I would suggest that people upgrade to Win 11 as soon as they can and start familiarising themselves with the changes. Only those with very old computers (~12y old) that has a BIOS which can't be upgraded to support GPT/UEFI disks will be stuck as Win 11 isn't designed to run/install on MBR initialised disks. These old computers will run with Linux and the latest version of Mint (Victoria) is a lot more friendly and accessible to ex Windows users.

Just move to windows 11, I cannot think of a single reason to be on windows 10 at this point, they ain't even charging for it. You can put the taskbar on the left, if you have your knickers in a twist over that.

There are a number of options online which together, can change most of Win 11 landscape, returning to Win10 setups, or as close to. Having just upgraded to Win11 ,Iā€™m about to change the Win11 landscape as I really dislike the Win11 setup.

Ah used a couple of programmes when changing from 8.1 to Win10, had them in place for several years. Ye just have to read and follow the instructions carefully. šŸ˜Ž
Just move to windows 11, I cannot think of a single reason to be on windows 10 at this point, they ain't even charging for it. You can put the taskbar on the left, if you have your knickers in a twist over that.
Most PCs in my office don't meet Windows 11 rules, although about 5 years old.
I would suggest that people upgrade to Win 11 as soon as they can and start familiarising themselves with the changes.

Why? Win 10 won't stop working, it will still be as secure as it was the day before the date, and will continue as before.

Support for Win XP stopped in 2014, and I used it, totally without incident or drama, up until late 2022.
your gamble and risk - you may continue to use it without incident.

On the other hand there are people out there working hard to exploit vulnerabilities, and without updates those vulnerabilities will be exploited more frequently.
Support for Win XP stopped in 2014, and I used it, totally without incident or drama, up until late 2022.

How do you know that?

In most cases malware is designed to turn your pc into a bot so it can be used for DDoS attacks, spam, brute force attacks etc. they donā€™t want to cause any noticeable issues for you, they just want to quietly make your machine part of their botnet
your gamble and risk - you may continue to use it without incident.

On the other hand there are people out there working hard to exploit vulnerabilities, and without updates those vulnerabilities will be exploited more frequently.

for individuals exploition is mostly phishing through emails I believe rather than attacks of the operating system. Even then those attacks would be through email links or websites visited rather than attacks through your router connection. The most important thing is to have a browser that gets updated. Since W10 will still be supported until 2028 that means Firefox and Edge will also get support. Furthermore I think most attacks are on smartphones where most people these days do things from banking to payments
How do you know that?

In most cases malware is designed to turn your pc into a bot so it can be used for DDoS attacks, spam, brute force attacks etc. they donā€™t want to cause any noticeable issues for you, they just want to quietly make your machine part of their botnet
That applies to any operating system the bad people are always ahead of the good people so can happen to W11 esp since it is still being built with new features which have unforseen bugs that can be exploited? The wise person hold onto the old as long as possible while the new gets sorted
Some of us follow what is happening in the real World. Here is an example (and its a small sample)

"(December 12 & 13, 2023)

On Tuesday, December 12, Microsoft released updates to address 35 vulnerabilities in its products. Four of the vulnerabilities are rated critical, and one, a division-by-zero error, was previously disclosed. Also on Tuesday, Adobe released fixes for more than 200 vulnerabilities, the majority of which affect Experience Manager."

There is effectively a war on the West via software and some things are really scary.

- Microsoft December Patch Tuesday tackles nasty critical Outlook RCE bug
- Final Patch Tuesday of 2023 goes out with a bang
- Microsoft Patch Tuesday, December 2023 Edition
- Microsoft Fixes 34 CVEs and One Zero-Day in December Patch Tuesday
- Latest Product Security Updates

Some of us follow what is happening in the real World. Here is an example (and its a small sample)

"(December 12 & 13, 2023)

On Tuesday, December 12, Microsoft released updates to address 35 vulnerabilities in its products. Four of the vulnerabilities are rated critical, and one, a division-by-zero error, was previously disclosed. Also on Tuesday, Adobe released fixes for more than 200 vulnerabilities, the majority of which affect Experience Manager."

There is effectively a war on the West via software and some things are really scary.

- Microsoft December Patch Tuesday tackles nasty critical Outlook RCE bug
- Final Patch Tuesday of 2023 goes out with a bang
- Microsoft Patch Tuesday, December 2023 Edition
- Microsoft Fixes 34 CVEs and One Zero-Day in December Patch Tuesday
- Latest Product Security Updates

you might want to add to your list two podcasts on the Twit network - Steve Gibsons "Security Now!" and "Windows Weekly" which provide good discussions of whats going on
your gamble and risk - you may continue to use it without incident.

On the other hand there are people out there working hard to exploit vulnerabilities, and without updates those vulnerabilities will be exploited more frequently.

I suspect most people use their smartphone these days for their life tasks rather than windows systems
Itā€™s common sense to run fully updated and supported software and follow best practice to minimise vulnerability to malware etc. Loads of info via Google, if you use a computer for anything important - financials, business critical not using a Local Admin User day to day is a very good change to shore up security.

Updates generally come out monthly, MS after the second Tuesday so getting into the habit of checking/installing them mid/late on in the month is a good habit.

Same with phones/tablets- update OS/Apps and consider swapping when they are out of support.


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