
Ukraine III

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This 500000 city is not so small. The main problem is that Nazi Azov took civilians hostage. No one was allowed out of the city. It will be a surprise to you that the Ukrainian army uses cities and residents as a shield. In fact, this is a counter-terrorist operation with thousands of hostages.

They use ISIS tactics. As Arestovich said above.
This was the pretext for invading Ukraine, to liberate its citizens from drug taking Nazis. Were Kyiv, Kharkiv, Dnipro all having their populations held captive by the state? It’s a nonsense.

When you tell us the native population of cities in Ukraine are being used as ‘human shields’ - do you expect them to politely move out of their homes so your country’s army can occupy and loot them? Ukrainian civilians are being raped, murdered and tortured by Russians in their own towns and cities. Get the **** out of their country!
I do have a massive respect for PFM for having a member who is on the other side of almost everyone here.

I'm wondering how long his dissent views will be tolerated.
OK. Do you think a majority of the people around you would think the same?

I don't know.

Russian society was shocked by the demonstrative executions of Russian prisoners of war. There are a lot of such videos. Russians do not treat the population or prisoners of war in this way. They try to save lives as much as possible. After such videos, society began to understand better what and why we are doing there.
When you tell us the native population of cities in Ukraine are being used as ‘human shields’ - do you expect them to move out of their homes so your country’s army can occupy and loot them? Ukrainian civilians are being raped, murdered and tortured by Russians in their own towns and cities. Get the **** out of their country!

Saved people from Mariupol said it was Azov who didn't allowed to leave the city. Sorry you need to hear that.

You need to give all people to leave battlefield if that want to. You can't force people being a shield.
I don't know.
Russian society was shocked by the demonstrative executions of Russian prisoners of war. There are a lot of such videos. Russians do not treat the population or prisoners of war in this way. They try to save lives as much as possible. After such videos, society began to understand better what and why we are doing there.

Western audience, including plenty here, consider this Putin propaganda. Mind that Russians are so dehumanized that no one actually cares. I try to point to this here but I got showered with hate as I'm a Serb although actually no one neither knows my views nor my personal history.

If the British guy on my pic above would fight for Russia and get caught by the Ukris, he would get a bullet in the head on the spot and then get TikToked in no time. Just as they did with a civilian with an Israeli passport (Orth.Jew) who just looked like a Chechen to someone with a gun recently.

As for Mariupol, this is absolutely correct. I got it confirmed from a few Ukri women I met on the bus station this weekend, waiting to go to Budapest. They told me the same, it took them 30 days to leave because they were not allowed by AZOV, not to mention some other forms of violence women are exposed in war.
Yes, and we can now expect the Russian army to show us all the civilians executed and starved by the drug-crazed nazi defenders of the place.

Such shows is only for Mr. President Artist.
Russian will allow to speak people from very first person. Not directed shows.
So it’s a rescue operation? One to release millions of hostages living in their own country from their captors- their own government they democratically elected. People in the West don’t really know what’s going on because they don’t have access to information about what’s really going on . Their criticism of Russia for first lying about its intention to invade a neighbouring country then invading it is due entirely to hatred of Russia.

President Putin has an 83% approval rating which is even higher than Kim Jong-Un’s 79% in South Korea when he offered the hand of peace (temporarily). Every Russian citizen can see what’s truly going on because they have internet access and besides can circumvent any fictitious censorship by their government (according to the West) by using VPN.

The political opposition in Russia are free to express opinion knowing they won’t be shot, poisoned, jailed or have to flee abroad. There are no censorship laws putting anyone in prison for years because they called the war a war instead of a special operation.

The community of nations supports the right of Russia to invade and occupy Ukraine- well Belarus, North Korea, Syria and Eritrea do anyway.

Clearly we require re-education.
I don't know.

Russian society was shocked by the demonstrative executions of Russian prisoners of war. There are a lot of such videos. Russians do not treat the population or prisoners of war in this way. They try to save lives as much as possible. After such videos, society began to understand better what and why we are doing there.
I actually have close to zero doubt that the Ukrainians have executed some prisoners of war. It happens in just about every war for various reasons, despite the Geneva convention and everything else. (Which is another very good reason for thinking carefully before starting a new war.) Others have been kneecapped. There is a Ukrainian enquiry winding its way through on the subject. I also have no doubt the Russians have executed hundreds of civilians in areas they controlled, and I haven't heard of any Russian enquiry into those.
I actually have close to zero doubt that the Ukrainians have executed some prisoners of war. It happens in just about every war for various reasons, despite the Geneva convention and everything else. (Which is another very good reason for thinking carefully before starting a new war.) Others have been kneecapped. There is a Ukrainian enquiry winding its way through on the subject. I also have no doubt the Russians have executed hundreds of civilians in areas they controlled, and I haven't heard of any Russian enquiry into those.

What make you convinced?
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