
Coronavirus - the new strain XXII

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Sigh. I was enjoying the truce re provocation & shit-flinging. This post could be seen as an own goal, sorry to say.
Hey, it wasn’t intended as provocation at all, if you read it it’s a genuinely interesting (if a little lightweight) article on the psychology of human nature and does likely explain the way some post on forums/social media and how that could be better handled in the future.Think we could all learn something from it to be honest.
The issue with Cheltenham (I caught covid there in March 2020), was not that it was outdoors but the indoor pinch points which it creates i.e. going to the loo, getting drinks from the bar etc which were rammed full. I went again in November 2021, same format and none of us caught it. Vaccines, QED!
Yep, but then came the massively increased transmissibility of Omicron.
You know, I caught delta with my facemask on all the time, plus regular gel application. Is omicron even worse?
The third part of this article made me think of a few on this thread.

Three ways to be more rational this year

Ah, Stephen Pinker. He's the chap who said that there was no such thing as anxiety before the Industrial Revolution, because previously the word 'fret' only meant to gradually wear something away, thus illustrating the problem with science-y bods who've never read Shakespeare or 'The Anatomy of Melancholy'.
Context for those numbers here:

I’m not sure it’s meaningful any more to talk about “allowing cases to run rampant”: running rampant is just what Omicron does, and no measures short of a Wuhan style lockdown are going to make much of a dent in the number of infections over the long haul. As regards children’s well-being there’s a fairly straightforward choice to be made between allowing them to get Omicron and shutting them up in their homes for the foreseeable. It’s not a great choice but it’s not really a difficult one either. Given that, it’s good to know that for children as well as adults Omicron seems to be a lot less severe than Delta.
I have been thinking in this direction for a few days now as the figures filter out. For example, ICU bed usage has gone down slightly across the UK whereas it went up a lot at the same time last year, again supporting the view and data that shows that Omicron is less severe.

We don't know, but the data suggests that Omicron is far more transmissible and this may mean that the ventilation approach that many of us has pushed may not be as effective we had hoped. Putting in the systems that we have discussed many times on here still makes (and has done so for the past 9 months now) sense though as it should, especially in combination with well fitting masks, reduce the transfer of Omicron and have other benefits once Covid is not a major concern anymore. Reducing the number of cases per day still matters, as it will reduce the number of hospital admissions and free up bed space to treat the massive backlog of other medical issues that people need help with.

The current situation still leaves the at risk categories (people with comorbidities, generally disadvantaged (disabled, elderly, in poverty) and un vaccinated) at much greater risk than before as they are just expected to get on with their lives. Is that reasonable and fair for schoolchildren, teachers, their parents and people who have to go to work?

Also we do not know what the long term effects of Covid on people that have had it are. Long Covid, hints of organ damage etc are still concerning.

I still think that we are not doing enough, but do accept that Omicron is too infectious to manage effectively, without significantly more effective measures in place, which is not going to happen.
You know, I caught delta with my facemask on all the time, plus regular gel application. Is omicron even worse?

Yes, it seem so. This new paper explains that it binds more strongly and replicates more rapidly:

"We posit this enables Omicron to infect a greater number of cells in the respiratory epithelium, allowing it to be more infectious at lower exposure doses, and resulting in enhanced intrinsic transmissibility."
As an update I had the PCR test the day after the second lateral flow positive test (was lucky to get an appointment as looked for 14 hours and nothing). The test came back positive via text, have been isolating since developing symptoms in the 27th December. The NHS covid app says I’ve got another 7 days to go surely there is something a miss with that?. I realise about the 6/7 day lateral flow tests is now the way to go so am I looking at a test on Monday and a test on Tuesday and If negative I can go out of the house?. Thankfully the symptoms seem mild apart from headaches and quite a severe sore throat but my mum has so far with relief on my part shown negative on daily tests.
Yeah that was what struck me, all the talk of genocide and Hitler along with AUS and CAN being internment camps for the unvaccinated. I think it won't be long before there is a tinfoil shortage at this rate.
They’re Twitter randos though, and he’s the elected leader of the nation. What an absolute tool, he could not have made the situation worse if he’d tried. I honestly don’t think Boris has said anything dumber.

Canada heading towards genocide apparently

How's it looking there, @Joe P ?

That guy's twitter feed is the only place I've seen that quote. If Trudeau actually said it, I suspect Rebel News (our Daily Mail / Express) would have it splashed all over its front page in SECOND COMING FONT* and Dr Jordan B Peterson (blue check) would be having a level 12 Twitter connipution.



* The forum doesn't support SCF so the best I can do is approximate it in boldface, red and all caps.

That guy's titter feed is the only place I've seen that quote. If Trudeau actually said it, I suspect Rebel News (our Daily Mail / Express) would have it splashed all over its front page in SECOND COMING FONT* and Dr Jordan B Peterson (blue check) would be having a level 12 Twitter connipution.



* The forum doesn't support SCF so the best I can do to approximate it in boldface, red and all caps.

They posted the TV interview further down where he said it.
They posted the TV interview further down where he said it.

From the clip it's clear that he's referring to wackjob anti-vax conspiracy nuts not "the unvaccinated" as Kevin Bardosh would have us believe.

Whether the language was very smart is another matter. But he's certainly been misrepresented.

From what I can tell the clip is from an appearance on 'La semaine des 4 Julie' from last September. Not sure why it's doing the rounds now.

They posted the TV interview further down where he said it.

Perhaps that wasn't helpful, but there's not much anyone can say to convince hardcore anti-vaxxers to get vaccinated. I have to say that now that I've seen the full clip I think what Trudeau said has been misrepresented by people with an agenda.


What an absolute tool, he could not have made the situation worse if he’d tried. I honestly don’t think Boris has said anything dumber.

Seems to be a tempest in a tea cup misrepresented by a guy with a Twitter account.

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