
‘Contempt of Parliament’

Tony L

May’s pig-headed and shambolic Tories are apparently the the first government in UK history to be found guilty of ‘Contempt of Parliament’ for deliberately trying to conceal key legal information relating to Brexit from wider scrutiny. An utter disgrace to our country that merits its own thread IMHO.
Let's hope there is some juicy stuff in it. Otherwise May will gain some cred. And this thread will be dead.
Clearly not enough defeats and admonitions to shame the shameless. We are now living in a dictatorship wherein a small number of self-interested ****wits and crooks are driving the remainder of us over a cliff.
Searching round for Labour positives, there is the excellent campaign prior to the last GE, where fortuitously they reduced the tories majority. Today wouldn't have been imaginable had the Tories retained or increased their majority.
If you find yourself alone, riding in the green fields with the sun on your face, do not be troubled. For you are in Elysium, and you're already dead!

That happened to me once but it turned out I was drunk after the christmas party and fell asleep on the train, finally woke up in Weymouth.
May’s pig-headed and shambolic Tories are apparently the the first government in UK history to be found guilty of ‘Contempt of Parliament’ for deliberately trying to conceal key legal information relating to Brexit from wider scrutiny. An utter disgrace to our country that merits its own thread IMHO.

I would imagine that most Governments in the past would have lost a confidence vote before things got to this stage. It is really a confidence vote but she's too stubborn to fall on her sword
Which means May has done the unlikely double of having been found in contempt of court and contempt of Parliament. Possibly worse behaviour than running through a field of wheat?

As I've been saying ad nauseum for ages, she's nasty, vindictive, pig-headed, arrogant and useless beyond words. How she is still in post is beyond me. But clues to that mystery can be found on these very forums. Day after day we get anti-Corbyn and anti Labour crap from people who are supposedly on the left politically.

It's cognitive dissonance. They can see that May is a disgrace as PM but they choose to attack a bloke who isn't PM for what he hasn't done instead of turning on May for what she has done. Utterly ridiculous.

