
Harbeth P3ESR vs LS3/5A

Hows the bass on the 40.1's?

Not easy to answer, it's all relative. I would say plenty for 90% of folks here.
I heard someone say the big JBLs at Cranage were booming/bloated... I think he must have never been in a room with a live band..

12" driver, so a fair bit.

Ian's lounge is very similar in size to my lounge. I agree it's more than ample :)

I'm back in the back room since you came. It's only 6.5 x 5.5M, so Col is exaggerating a bit.
Exaggerating? Me??

How many million more times do I have to tell you I never, ever, ever exaggerate?

It is a pretty decent sized room though.. :)

I think the bass on the Harbeths was pretty deep without too much boom, which is good considering they were just sitting on the floor. I'm sure some rigid stands and some careful positioning would reap huge benefits and not just in the bass.

Thread awakened!

Anyone care to offer an opinion on Spendor S3 loudspeakers? Not s3/5 s3/5e or S3/5r. Just S3. Are they the earliest iteration of the Spendor 3/5a series?
Don't know them. Are they ported like the 3e or sealed like the rest?
Sealed. With a double set of binding posts. I'm looking for a bit of that Spendor/harbeth/Quad sound on a budget and thought they might fit the bill.
I really can't imagine Spendor making a bad small stand-mount. That, along with the classic two foot by one foot BC1 format, is what they do best IMHO. If they are cheap and in nice tidy, clean and fully working condition I'd just buy them, you'll not lose much if anything on a Spendor mini-monitor.
I am thinking about buying a pair of Stirling V2s as they have been offered at a tempting price.
I’ve always wanted to hear a pair...
I am thinking about buying a pair of Stirling V2s as they have been offered at a tempting price.
I’ve always wanted to hear a pair...
I had a pair for a while. They were new and I was running them for a friend while he moved house and I ended up using them, off and on, for about a year! I thought they were lovely speakers. The main difference between them and my Rogers LS3/5As was that the V2s could be driven a bit harder without becoming congested. At lower (normal?) listening levels I had trouble telling them apart. If you like what LS3/5As do you won't be disappointed, plusd the V2s are more likely to be on spec. and reasonably priced.
I had a pair for a while. They were new and I was running them for a friend while he moved house and I ended up using them, off and on, for about a year! I thought they were lovely speakers. The main difference between them and my Rogers LS3/5As was that the V2s could be driven a bit harder without becoming congested. At lower (normal?) listening levels I had trouble telling them apart. If you like what LS3/5As do you won't be disappointed, plusd the V2s are more likely to be on spec. and reasonably priced.

Thanks for the above. I've had various LS3/5as, including Falcons, over the years and currently use Harbeth P3-ESRs. I thought it would be good to have a pair of '3/5as 'in reserve' to listen to from time to time. The V2s would be ideal, I feel.
I'd be interested in more comments on the Stirling V2s as well - appear to be beautifully made and seem reasonably good value compared with the price gouging Falcon and Grahams
I'd be interested in more comments on the Stirling V2s as well - appear to be beautifully made and seem reasonably good value compared with the price gouging Falcon and Grahams

There is Stirling V2 thread on the PFM Classic discussion section.
I have just added to it.
If anyone is looking for a pair of Harbeth P3-ESRs, there’s a pair in PFM Classifieds.
I know their history, as I owned them before I bought my black ones.

