
Trump Part 13

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I’d happily take moderate neocons like the Democrats over the racist homophobic far-right gangster oligarchy of Trump/Putin or the murderous dictatorship of Asaad, so forgive me if I criticise those bringing such vile content to my site!
Sure, I'm good with that. Also suspiciously keen to defend Putin and rubbish the Mueller inquiry. I don't see Putin as the root of all evil but he certainly isn't one of the good guys as far as I'm concerned. If the authors had names, or if the site left more of a trace on Google I'd be less wary.
Drood, the mistake you're making here (IMO) is equating an objective analysis of the warmongering US establishment's Russian collusion claims with a defense of Putin (or Trump).

Such an analysis is neither. It is just an objective analysis.

Similarly, opposition to US/Zionist warmongering and anti-Russian/Syrian/Iranian aggression is not support of Putin, or Assad, or Iran.
Looks like the Putin bots have managed to sow sufficient confusion and doubt in some posters' minds.
I’d happily take moderate neocons like the Democrats over the racist homophobic far-right gangster oligarchy of Trump/Putin or the murderous dictatorship of Asaad, so forgive me if I criticise those bringing such vile content to my site!
'Moderate' Neocons?

Ask the people of Afghanistan, Iraq, Libya and Syria how 'moderate' they are..

But it is good that you have finally admitted you support the Neocons.

Everything you post suggests so, as I have been saying for some time, and your narrow range of chosen media is all Neocon oriented/anti-Russian/pro-regime change.

This is of course your choice and I won't bother trying to persuade you to change your views.

If millions of innocents already dead hasn't done so by now there's little point in my trying...
Yet you watch and are hugely influenced by content on Russia Today?!

on RT, i watch chris hedges regularly (weekly show) and the occasional interview with people like john pilger or ralph nader. i freely admit i have been influenced by those people.

i did sample a bit more a year ago when all the fuss was being made and it's certainly a different perspective -- overall, i found it relatively more accurate (as far as i can evaluate) and certainly far wider in coverage of perspectives than BBC/CNN/etc

IMO, if you're going to watch the news, it's better to sample from many sources.
Well, the view from Morning Joe is that Trump is in Mueller's sights. And Trump is now on the back foot and getting nervous...

PS Morning Joe is a good way to get the daily view of the non-Trump train travelling Washington political establishment.
RT packs a lot of critical analysis of US and EU politics in. What’s obvious to anyone though, is the chasm in critical analysis of Putin’s government and his proxy strongmen in the former SSRs.
But it is good that you have finally admitted you support the Neocons.

I disagree with a lot of their foreign policy as well you know, though maybe for different reasons to you. I accept the middle east is bligted by religion and will likely be a blood bath until humans eventually grow out of it. I have zero tolerance for muderous dictators such as Asaad, the fundamentalist religious tyrants of Iran, Saudi, Hamas, Hezbollah etc and whilst I acknowledge Israel is a democracy and therefore vastly superior to the religious fascists and dictatorships that surround it I have no respect for its hard-right government and ever-increasing theft of land etc. The whole area is an utter shit-hole of tyranny and religious bigotry and I struggle to even care beyond a basic environmental aspect (i.e. I’d far prefer it wasn’t actually on fire as that is polluting to the whole planet). I do not want to supply weapons or take sides in such an area as there are no sides worth wasting time with. I have no dog in the race aside from the environmental issues.

I have little if any more respect for the post-USSR Russia and the violent hard-right gangster capitalist oligarchy that has replaced communist dictatorship. Russia is an interesting country with an interesting history and a lot of great culture etc, but it has become enslaven by thugs who are happy to use the very worst bigotry, racism and extreme violence to get their way. It is also playing many complex and highly destructive games online and is unquestionably a negative force at present.

Would I take a Obama or Clinton Democrat government over this vile hateful bigoted tyrannical bullshit? Yes, of course. In a millisecond. If you wouldn’t then you really need to question what you are fighting for and which ‘side’ you are on. You have consistently called everything wrongly for years now and saying you are “anti-war” is just vacuous retarded bullshit when you are constantly shilling for the very worst tyrants, gangsters and oligarchs on the planet.
The Russian bots game plan, uncovered by the FBI was- denigrate Clinton, promote Sanders, promote Trump, denigrate his GOP competitors.
Sound familiar around pfm?
Owing to the flu, and some days where RT was only one of the only TV stations in English or French, I spent some time watching RT and the hack US academics rounding on Clinton, US/UK imperialism - most of which has been well documented - not to mention careful denials of Russian influence in the ME, European elections, US elections etc. It pays to be careful. Some of the RT stories were indeed factual and interesting, and often not carried by the commercial, and I include the BBC in this, networks. Nevertheless, you could see the political slant at work. More interestingly, you could also see where a lot of the fake news propagated on pfm, as well as other forums, comes from.

The maxflinn identity is not the problem, he's just a naive self-styled radical. However, there may be others who might be rather more serious, given the objective is to sew discord.
...given the objective is to sew discord.

Well, the alt-right won't prove very effective at undermining the West if that is what Putin's aim is.

Tony lives in his own little world where Western mainstream media is good (apart from Fox) and both non-mainstream and non-Western media is evil.
This is what's the matter with you: you imagine the above to be true, which is isn't, and worth posting, which it isn't.
I'm reading up on Hitler at the moment. I particularly like to take my book down my local to read with a weißbeer or two.

Anyway, there seems a disturbing amount of similarities between him in his early campaigning and Trump. Only Hitler was more believable and had a slightly easier ride with inflation being at about a trillion percent.

Den Sumpf trocken legen.
Hitler really wanted to get rid of the Jews. Trump just doesn't like brown people, etc.
Hitler wanted to do some serious conquering. Trump just wants to be seen as very powerful.
Hitler was utterly ruthless. Trump is just not aware of rules being rules.

Trump not as bad as Hitler. Nicest thing I ever said about him.
I disagree with a lot of their foreign policy as well you know, though maybe for different reasons to you. I accept the middle east is bligted by religion and will likely be a blood bath until humans eventually grow out of it. I have zero tolerance for muderous dictators such as Asaad, the fundamentalist religious tyrants of Iran, Saudi, Hamas, Hezbollah etc and whilst I acknowledge Israel is a democracy and therefore vastly superior to the religious fascists and dictatorships that surround it I have no respect for its hard-right government and ever-increasing theft of land etc. The whole area is an utter shit-hole of tyranny and religious bigotry and I struggle to even care beyond a basic environmental aspect (i.e. I’d far prefer it wasn’t actually on fire as that is polluting to the whole planet). I do not want to supply weapons or take sides in such an area as there are no sides worth wasting time with. I have no dog in the race aside from the environmental issues.

I have little if any more respect for the post-USSR Russia and the violent hard-right gangster capitalist oligarchy that has replaced communist dictatorship. Russia is an interesting country with an interesting history and a lot of great culture etc, but it has become enslaven by thugs who are happy to use the very worst bigotry, racism and extreme violence to get their way. It is also playing many complex and highly destructive games online and is unquestionably a negative force at present.

Would I take a Obama or Clinton Democrat government over this vile hateful bigoted tyrannical bullshit? Yes, of course. In a millisecond. If you wouldn’t then you really need to question what you are fighting for and which ‘side’ you are on. You have consistently called everything wrongly for years now and saying you are “anti-war” is just vacuous retarded bullshit when you are constantly shilling for the very worst tyrants, gangsters and oligarchs on the planet.

Obviously I disagree with virtually all of em, this, Tony.

However I've no interest in keeping the argument going around in circles like before, so I'll leave it there.
I'm reading up on Hitler at the moment. I particularly like to take my book down my local to read with a weißbeer or two.

Anyway, there seems a disturbing amount of similarities between him in his early campaigning and Trump. Only Hitler was more believable and had a slightly easier ride with inflation being at about a trillion percent.

Den Sumpf trocken legen.
The USA is not Weimar Germany, but there are indeed similarities - the disenchantment with government, even before the hyperinflation, and the falling for someone whose only message was, "Give us the power and we'll fix everything." And of course, both Donald and Adolf had their scapegoats, which were causing all the problems for decent folk/Volk. Hitler was also very innovative - he was the first politician to campaign by air, flying all over Germany, giving many speeches a day.
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