
Coulson detained for perjury

Curious that it needed seven policemen from Glasgow at 6.30 in the morning. And that you can be forcibly detained and removed to another country, no mention of arrest...


The suspect required it. You need to hold back your embroidered hanky though. If he is tried and convicted in Scotland, he will face many Sheridan supporters in prison.
I knew this morning when my alarm clock inexplicably gave me an extra 5 minutes sleep for no reason, and opened the curtains to see a blue sky that this was going to be a good day.
Wouldn't it be great if Mark Thatcher was accidentally given an incredibly strong laxative this afternoon whilst in the middle of a very long business meeting. Is that asking for too much in one day?

The only thing that could enhance your pleasure would be for Mark Thatcher to be given a strong sedative and to wake up in Guinea Bissau.
Maybe he hasn't walked away because they glued him to a chair. The fun of speculation... :)

Anyway, I'm not surprised given the account of his testimony in 2010 (what, phone hacking, us? nevar!) that he got collared down the road. Kind of inevitable really. What I want to know is why he didn't hop on the next flight to Rio when the hacking scandal broke...
To paraphrase "Deliverance"
"He's go' a pretty wee mooth eh, oh, knawt ah meen, eh? You goiny be doin' a spot o' prayin' fo' me pal, you better do a lot of prayin, youse can be doin' yo' prayin wi' a full set o' teeth or wi' em all knocked oot, y'knaa wha' ah'm sayin' pal, eh? Eh?
If he is tried and convicted in Scotland, he will face many Sheridan supporters in prison.
Best place for them. AFAICT there is no theory that unconvicts Sheridan of perjury and intimidation.

And your mind is pretty ugly. You'd have been right down the front at Tyburn.

Barlinnie Prisoners spokesperson, "Liver Lips Logan" was quoted as "looking forward to forming a coalition with his bride-to-be Coulson."
You were completely right, Dec. Are you Mystic Meg in disguise. Lol.


Aamer Anwar is a very talented lawyer. Citing Coulson to appear and give evidence under oath in the high court was all it took. Personally I would prefer to see Coulson put on trial for perjury in Scotland. If convicted he will serve his sentence in a Scottish prison.
Yeah! After the Jubilympics it's the next biggest attraction. There's two to three years of pay dirt in this.

BBC political correspondent has just said that this puts the Prime Minister in an embarrassing position because Coulson did a naughty while working for him.

