
Sourcing replacement circuit component - help needed


pfm Member

One of my many Arcam amps has a knackered PSU for controlling the on/off functions and microprocessor. It works but it makes an audible buzz that drives me mad.

Arcam have said they can fix it but they want a king's ransom.

Can anybody take a glance at this and indicate whether they know where I can pick up a replacement part?

Before you condemn the existing transformer check that half of the bridge rectifier hasn`t failed - operating half wave could make it buzz.

The vigortronix does look very similar to the Clairtronic 9301.

I thought that but the transformer is physically shaking and is so brittle that a simple touch and the plastic is falling apart. For the sake of a few quid I can always replace the rectifier afterward. The transformer is 'specced' to buzz in the Arcam manual (which claims it is normal) but this is far too loud to be normal operating range.

Who's going to fit it for you? You can talk to them about what's failed and how to supply.

I can fix it myself provided I find the right parts. Clairtronic seem to have long since ceased to exist. I enquired of a few reputable repair folk and the answers varied from "We won't touch it as Arcam won't release the parts" to one - I won't name them but they are widely esteemed - who came across as too highly strung to trust with a cup of tea.
The Clairtronic 93xx series was pretty generic, RS used to do similar, (possibly made by Clairtronic) and the Vigortronix part looks identical though I couldn`t work out if the pinout was identical or mirror image.

I have a 12 + 12 RS version but that`s probably too many volts for you.
I will post a photo shortly, but the Vigortronix part fit perfectly and the amp is now operating normally.

Arcam wanted many £££ just to look at it, and were vague about whether they could fix it.

I got the Vigortronix part from eBay for £11 plus an £8 soldering kit from Amazon. Total spend = £19. Amp now operating normally.

