
[FS] Nikon Coolscan 9000ED with 120 and 35mm holders - Serviced

Simon s

pfm Member
As the title says this was Nikons flagship scanner for both 35mm and 120 film.
It has been serviced, rails lubricated and had one of the Ic chips replaced
It comes with 120 and 35mm holders (and i can chuck in a 35mm mounted slide holder as well if i can find it!)

I have been using these scanners along with Hasselblad/Imacon X5 and 949 and with Silverfast Ai software its gives the
Hasselblad X5 a very good run for the money, which was a 16K scanner !

The scanner does not come with software but i would recommend using Silverfast Ai to get the best out of it.
If you have a stash of negs and slides which you want to archive to the highest standard then this is the scanner to beat.

Looking for offers around 2K

