
XPS vs TeddyXPs


pfm Member

Has anybosy done a comparison of the Naim XPS against the TeddyXPS?

If so, could you please advise of the differences.

Also, Do Avondale make an XPS type power supply?


Elk, do a search and you'll find two or three threads were this has been discussed.

My conclusion is that a new TeddyXPS is as good as, if not better and a quarter of the price new and half of a used XPS.

A winner on sound and price. Teddy is also a top guy.
Again...teddy will make your naim player sound less like naim. Having done comparisons main differences are; teddy makes the sound more refined and detailed in a smooth clean way. The n xps is a bit more rough around the edges and sounds more lively but lacks some of the refinement of the teddy xps. Both are good but take the sound signature to slightly different directions.

