
World Hi-Fi Review 1981


Second flat rock on the left
I wombled into a charity shop earlier, and picked up a copy of the World Hi-Fi Review from 1981. What a lovely book! Still with the fly-sheet.

What amazed me is how many of the items inside stayed in production for yonks, albeit they evolved a little - stuff like the Linn Sonndeck LP12, the NAD 3020 - also the Technics decks that were the source of the SL-1210.

For a quid, I'm delighted :D It's given me some info I was after on record decks (I now properly understand wow and flutter as well as rumble!), and it'll provide me with an evening or two of good reading.
Lovely, isn't it? I can't believe how good some of the kit looks- the Micro Seiki decks look amazing, and when you consider that the design is over a quarter of a century old as well, it's astonishing.
I wish i hadn't got into hifi when i was younger - wasted nearly 15 darn years!
I have an obsessive personality. Similar too OCD (obsessive compulsive disorder) but without the obsessive washing bit. If swapping lives meant i'd be a normal human being (and didn't smell!) i'd gladly swap.
I've noticed old Hi-Fi Choice ( when it was a 'proper' mag., in the late '70s/early '80s ) going for higher & higher prices. Nostalia ?
Well, I've read it, and thoroughly enjoyed it. It now needs to be appreciated by someone else, methinks. I paid a quid for it, I'll swap it for the cost of a bottle of decent ale in my local, plus postage. Any takers?

