
Will we get charged tax / Vat from EU to UK now?

I suppose the only compensation for this sh*tstorm is being able to say "I told you so" to the Brexit numpties when they begin to realise what they really voted for. :(
I suppose the only compensation for this sh*tstorm is being able to say "I told you so" to the Brexit numpties when they begin to realise what they really voted for. :(

I think a lot of them thought we’d leave and then everything would continue as before but without ‘EU interference’.
I suppose the only compensation for this sh*tstorm is being able to say "I told you so" to the Brexit numpties when they begin to realise what they really voted for. :(

They'll never admit it. "Small price to pay... it's just like dealing with the rest of world has always been... these 'teething problems' will soon get ironed out" etc etc.
I priced a pair of bose 700 on and they are adding €50.39cent as an import fee deposit, I don't think I will use again if this is the normal.
I'm in Ireland.
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I suppose the only compensation for this sh*tstorm is being able to say "I told you so" to the Brexit numpties when they begin to realise what they really voted for. :(

I knew EXACTLY what I voted for, along with everyone who voted leave (i.e. the majority), which was getting out of the corrupt, undemocratic, wasteful, parasitic, bankrupt EU. A organisation which produces nothing, yet spends billions on nothing much, is an exact replica of the old USSR (and remember how that ended), has bankrupted several member states, and dictates to its members what they can and can't do. How any sane person could possibly think it is in any way a good, or even remotely sensible idea, is truly baffling. It has been said, by more eminent people than me, that if the EU was a business, it would have been liquidated years ago.

I think a lot of them thought we’d leave and then everything would continue as before but without ‘EU interference’.

No, we knew there would be change, which in the medium and long term, can only benefit the UK. In the short term, there's just a bit of adjustment to make.
I priced a pair of bose 700 on and they are adding €50.39cent as an import fee deposit, I don't think I will use again if this is the normal.

So who are you going to get to smuggle stuff in if you aren't going to pay any duty that is due?
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I knew EXACTLY what I voted for, along with everyone who voted leave

I'll not take major exception to any of the rest of your rant, but that is TOTAL tosh. I have no idea how many voted for what when they voted to leave but based on the very small sample of Brexiteers that I have actually spoken to, the majority had not the very first clue. Based on my tiny sample.

