
Whats the easy way to get photos on this website?

Box Man

I'm new. I am finding it difficult to upload photos to a post I want to make. I even created an instagram account, uploaded some photos and inserted the link in the insert photo box. No dice it wont accept the link. What do I do? Copy and paste would be nice, or drag and drop....
A helpful member shared this info with me when I was a new member...

Posting pics is different to most forums and will only work if you use a hosting site for your pics, I used to use Imgur but now use PostImages.

Drag a picture or click onto the button Choose Images / Browse and find your picture. Resize to 640 generally works well, if Adverts leave at Do Not Resize for best quality.

Copy the URL for the Hotlink for Forums and paste it into the PFM message, might take a bit of trial and error, I use a new Thread and Preview but never actuallly post when practicing until it looks good.

And If you sign up to a service you can set the image to expire after x days fyi.

But don't forget to remove EXIF/metadata from your photos before you upload them so you don't dox yourself. Generally on a PC right click/properties/click link at bottom to Remove Personal Info. Have fun.

OK, thanks Bodhi. Got an account at postimages now. No point in using "insert image". Have to use "insert link", then click preview to see it. Your "remove metadata" and resize advice sounds v. useful. I am working on it..
Thanks for your time.
Hi Gintonic, I can see you've been here before. The "post image button" does not seem to work. The link button next to it seems to work fine. Thanks for your help.
I noticed your name - did you know portonic is becoming a big thing in Portugal. 50% white port, 50% tonic, lemon or orange slice, stick of cinnamon and sprig of rosemary. Unfortunately one glass is never enough. Just saying ....
noticed your name - did you know portonic is becoming a big thing in Portugal. 50% white port, 50% tonic, lemon or orange slice, stick of cinnamon and sprig of rosemary. Unfortunately one glass is never enough. Just saying ....
yes, we've been to Porto and other locations a few times. We will be back there at the end of August. My wife likes a portonic.
I'm new. I am finding it difficult to upload photos to a post I want to make. I even created an instagram account, uploaded some photos and inserted the link in the insert photo box. No dice it wont accept the link. What do I do? Copy and paste would be nice, or drag and drop....

Simplest I have used is ImgBB web site. No need for an account, no email needed.
Just drag your chosen image (or multiple images) onto the web page, then select preferred option for auto-delete (or not) and click "Upload".

After that, select "BB code full linked" from the "Embed" drop-down, then "copy" the url displayed in the text box below and simply "paste" this text into your post, wherever you want your image to appear.

Easier in practice than it sounds. Basically, store your image somewhere else on the web, copy its URL, then paste the URL into your post.

Some things to note:
Forget trying to use the "Insert Image" and "Media" tools, they don't work on this board. (Forum owner doesn't wish to pay to have thousands of images stored on his server)
The web site above displays fairly low-res images, if you want proper photography, best to use a proper photo site like Flikr.
"BB Code Full Linked" stands for Bulletin Board code, full size image, linked.

Simplest I have used is ImgBB web site. No need for an account, no email needed.
Just drag your chosen image (or multiple images) onto the web page, then select preferred option for auto-delete (or not) and click "Upload".

After that, select "BB code full linked" from the "Embed" drop-down, then "copy" the url displayed in the text box below and simply "paste" this text into your post, wherever you want your image to appear.

Easier in practice than it sounds. Basically, store your image somewhere else on the web, copy its URL, then paste the URL into your post.

Some things to note:
Forget trying to use the "Insert Image" and "Media" tools, they don't work on this board. (Forum owner doesn't wish to pay to have thousands of images stored on his server)
The web site above displays fairly low-res images, if you want proper photography, best to use a proper photo site like Flikr.
"BB Code Full Linked" stands for Bulletin Board code, full size image, linked.
Useful info, especially if you just want to get going, like I did. I've got Postimage now. I was thinking that the forum owner would not mind paying extra for the pics on his server if we did not mind paying a subscription! But if we had to pay for a subscription then there would be no new members...
I was thinking that the forum owner would not mind paying extra for the pics on his server if we did not mind paying a subscription! But if we had to pay for a subscription then there would be no new members...
There was a lengthy thread about this and related topics a few months ago. I can't find it though. I think the site's owner is dedicated to keeping this forum free to use. Donations are welcomed however as running this forum costs time and money.
The cost of hosting images on a site of this size is huge, Iā€™ve already taken a pay cut of around 30-40% thanks to new net-nanny authoritarian cookie/advertising legislation, I canā€™t afford any more! There is also a lot of personal information in images that have implications from a GDPR perspective, EXIF data etc. If Iā€™m not hosting them it is not my problem!

