
What will you hope for and what will be missed in a Post Trump World?


pfm Member
Donnie has nearly gone (hopefully wearing his big boy pants) and like him or loath him he was undoubtedly a phenomenon the like of which we will not see again for a long time.

So what would we hope to see change after his departure and what will we miss?

Personally I will miss having such an easy target. Trump was vary polarising of what I regard as good and bad in people and behaviour! He made everything very black and white! Now we will have to pay attention to the grey in between.

I hope to see the return of polite and rational debate at the highest level.

A lot of your musings are wishful thinking. You are ignoring totally that he has split the US into two violently opposed sections.

Trumpism is here to stay for quite some while and once his tantrums about the loss subside, he is set to stand right on the sidelines shouting very long and very hard. Quite possibly from a TV series!!!!!

The only reasonable hope is that no more violence than is normal for everyday USA, ensues.
I agree with Vinny.
He will stay in the public eye, affecting Republican policy because of his popularity with their base and probably return as nominee in 2024.
Mine was not a comprehensive list. I agree about the polarisation's long term effects and am hoping for some more middle ground and nuance in the debate. Yeah, sure, wishful thinking, but lets aim high.

As the court cases and debt collectors start to queue up maybe he'll turn to dementia as a way out?

