
What leads for a TeddyCap III ?


pfm Member
Hi all

I'd appreciate some advice from knowledgeable members here.

I'm buying a TeddyCap III from a fellow PFMer, to use with my Nait XS.

It comes with the following leads :-
"It's a 'Teddy' Snaic5 and Napsc lead included with the unit (no power lead). With a Nait XS you'll need a Snaic4 aswell use it on your XS. The Napsc is for Nac102, 202 or headline i think. "

Can I ask, what do I need to order? I haven't tried any external power supplies on the amp before.

Many Thanks :)
The seller's message suggests you'll need a SNAIC4 and a power lead - the latter doesn't need to be anything flash and one from an old computer etc will be fine.

The connection guide on the Naim site will confirm what you need for a Nait XS.


