
What is this gunk?


pfm Member
Hi.I have an Acoustic something or other Isolation transformer that I use on my CD player(very big improvment but even bigger on a valhalla).
At the mo there is a socket on it that you plug your mains lead into.But as I am convinced that every extra connection is a bad one i want to hard wire my mains lead into it.
The case though is sealed tight .I've cut through a bit with a saw:eek: , and had a peak inside .The unit seams to be covered in some type of glue ,gunk or something.
Anyidea what it could be and how I might go about getting it off.
Also what should i house the transformer in assuming I can get it out,a plastic or metal box?
Anyidea what it could be and how I might go about getting it off.

More importantly do you have any idea of why the manufacturer saw fit to put it there in the first place ?

I know that some very large transformers are submerged in oil to aid in cooling and isolation ( eg the large tubes you see on sub stations have circulating oil in them ).
I would imagine that if the connections you have noted are clean, shiny and have some sort of contact treatment on them ( eg Stabilant 22, De-Oxit, electrolube, etc) then mains voltage will easilly be able to punch its way through any small amounts of oxidation or corrosion that may subsequently occur. I can imagine that your safe isolating transformer may well be not quite as safe or isolating by the time you've finished with your saw - happy hacking :D
I'd guess that it is potting compound (an epoxy resin that is less strong than normal epoxy and isn't as exothermic when hardening.) As far as getting it off without damaging anything is concerned... I'd give up now.
Some of those things used potting compound to stop the transformers buzzing. There is a solvent for potting compound, I can’t remember its name, but it’s a VERY messy job.


