
TV sound enhancement


pfm Member
Anyone tried the Q acoustics QTV2 add on speakers or a Yamaha Sound Bar to improve the sound performance of their flat screen TV ?

My Panasonic has a great picture but poor sound. I'm not really interested in fancy surround sound effects. I just want to improve the sound quality and volume of the set. The set has both RCA connectors and an optical connector.


I've heard a couple of different soundbars for tv's. If you don't want to run the tv through the hifi,(which is sound-wise probably the best bet) I think they do a reasonable enough job of pseudo-surround-sound & improve a LOT on the sound quality & volume of most tv speakers (which by & large are a bit iffy, I think). They are neat & tidy to install. As long as the ££ is right, I think they'd do the trick for you.
The Q Acoustics products are good and imho better than most soundbars,however do be aware that some or most of the sockets can be impeeded.
If your tv is between your speakers this will be much better!!!!
I run the sound from the phono plugs on the back the Panasonic TV iinto the pre amp and then power amp and speakers of the main system. The TV is located between the speakers. I have played with surround sound in the past but I find a good two channel system gives a good experience when watching the TV.

Apologies for acting as a chorus - I started typing my answer when the question first appeared and I got called away.
Unfortunately the room arrangement does not allow for positioning the TV between the speakers which of course would be the ideal solution. Sorry should have said in the OP. Room is a rectangle with speakers firing down the long walls with the TV set pointing across the room. Fireplace, doors, windows, furniture etc make any other arrangement impossible.

I have read somewhere that the QTV2 suffers from an over emphasised treble which could be problem for me. Anyone tried one ?

The Yamaha soundbars seem to have a good reputation but I'm finding it difficult to locate a retailer who would demonstrate them. And they are pricier than the QTV2 and rather big.

Why not get some £50 ebayed amp and small speaker combination - probably some 1980's budget classics and stick those speakers either side of your TV?
Most Flat screen TV's have an optical out - this permits you to connect them to a DAC for cracking 2 channel sound.
I use a QTV2 and find it very good. Easy to set up and doesn't impede rear sockets on my tv. I don't find the treble emphasized. Don't expect huge bass. Many times better than normal flat screen sound in a very convenient and inconspicuous package.
Unfortunately the room arrangement does not allow for positioning the TV between the speakers which of course would be the ideal solution. Sorry should have said in the OP. Room is a rectangle with speakers firing down the long walls with the TV set pointing across the room. Fireplace, doors, windows, furniture etc make any other arrangement impossible.


Hmmm! Difficult logistics, but I'd still try shunting the sound through your hifi, assuming your pre. is on the same side as the TV (or you can hide a long i/c).

I have my old CRT 29 inch to the side (and slightly ahead ) of my speakers and have no problem with sound spread or focus.

However, I use a Sony digibox out to my pre., which I think would better a TV's RCA outs from its own electronics. I also find that the TV's speakers, although crap, blend in well to give a wide soundstage.

A d.i.y. i/c or whatever you have to hand is all you need to try, before embarking on more expensive options.
Buy an older yamaha 1000 soundbar and add a rel 150e, even the soundbar on its own will improve on a flat screen tv.
Anyone tried the Q acoustics QTV2 add on speakers or a Yamaha Sound Bar to improve the sound performance of their flat screen TV ?

My Panasonic has a great picture but poor sound. I'm not really interested in fancy surround sound effects. I just want to improve the sound quality and volume of the set. The set has both RCA connectors and an optical connector.



a decent integrated and wee spendors or like
i've got the q acoustics for my samsung as i don't want a class a amp on all the time...its discreet, sound way better than the tv spkrs with decent bass which copes with films remarkably well - thouroughly recommend it.
Or in my case I have the optical out from an Airport Express plugged into QTV2 optical in. This gives me another playback system for iTunes, and it ain't that shabby.
I use a very old set of (small) speakers and subwoofer that came with a computer from about 15 years ago. It is extraordinarily good.
Thanks all for the responses. I have decided to risk buying, unheard, the QTV2 speaker add on kit as it seems to be reasonably priced and users generally seem to have good opinions of it. Just a tad wary of the reported 'edgy' treble.

Interestingly, for Naim buffs out there, the QTV2 comes with a pair of BMR drivers (as in the new Naim Ovator speakers). Perhaps this is why the treble might be prominent ?

I have both optical and RCA interconnects so will be able to test the difference. I don't plan to use the TV headphone out.


