
Trump Part 17

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It looks like Trump, the perfumed beheaders in the Gulf and Netanyahu are about to get their holy war and little Britain is joining it to show how much it’s values that Special Relationship.
I started to watch the TV version of Catch-22 the other night - not nearly as good, funny, surreal, thoughtful as the original film - Alan Arkin & all the support actors played their roles perfectly, Arkin particularly so as the only sane person in a sea of madness.

Anyway, Milo Minderbinder reminded me of Trump - doing deals to improve Milo Inc
I can see it happening that the people in the US who suffer devastation from incoming storms (biggest in 70 years coming to New Orleans) being left high & dry (sorry for those words) because there's no money left for disaster recovery (it all went to the top 1%) - so just when needed the parachutes are not there - exchanged for a good deal on Greek olives or whatever.

I imagine he'll raid the public storm shelters for illegal aliens.
Trump getting nastier by the day, with this series of 3 hateful, racist, tweets that has the foul stench of Nazism:

The Orange Anus said:
So interesting to see “Progressive” Democrat Congresswomen, who originally came from countries whose governments are a complete and total catastrophe, the worst, most corrupt and inept anywhere in the world (if they even have a functioning government at all), now loudly and viciously telling the people of the United States, the greatest and most powerful Nation on earth, how our government is to be run. Why don’t they go back and help fix the totally broken and crime infested places from which they came. Then come back and show us how it is done. These places need your help badly, you can’t leave fast enough. I’m sure that Nancy Pelosi would be very happy to quickly work out free travel arrangements!

It turns my stomach that the Conservatives, and particularly Boris Johnson, are toadying up to this dangerous fvckwit who shames the USA, and by their association with him, the UK on the world stage.
Trump getting nastier by the day, with this series of 3 hateful, racist, tweets that has the foul stench of Nazism:

It turns my stomach that the Conservatives, and particularly Boris Johnson, are toadying up to this dangerous fvckwit who shames the USA, and by their association with him, the UK on the world stage.

This has turned into a Sunday morning ritual for Trump, tweeting something disgusting so that the media will spend the entire day talking about him.

It feeds his narcissism, and the more the media criticizes him, the more energized his voting base becomes. It also distracts the media from more important events and issues (climate change, quitting the Iran deal with no plan b, ICE raids in multiple cities, labor secretary resigning due to Epstein deal, and so on). When the effects of this stupid tweet wear off, he’ll simply do it again.
He’s really letting his old white dick hang out now and Boris is going full blond appeasement. Crown Princess Ivanka will open the inaugural Mexican border Hunger Games. “You want to immigrate to the U.S? Then get ready to run”.
The BBC show "Beyond 100 Days" had a spokesperson from 'Latinos for Trump' on explaining how he was just saying what others are thinking. A 5* rating for both presenters for not asking "When are you going back?" The sheer dumb stupidity of Trump supporters really is a wonder of the modern age!
Trump getting nastier by the day, with this series of 3 hateful, racist, tweets that has the foul stench of Nazism:

It turns my stomach that the Conservatives, and particularly Boris Johnson, are toadying up to this dangerous fvckwit who shames the USA, and by their association with him, the UK on the world stage.
What are you gonna do about this latest episode in an ongoing threat of Fascism, speak about it in a social media echo chamber? That's a formidable fight back, the resistance starts in my armchair!

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