
Totally Wired in Dub


PFM Villager...
Hi folks.

Last night, following a hearty meal, I retired to the big sofa and spun some black stuff. Among the vinyl that was played was a copy of "Totally Wired in Dub". I'd had it (plus TWiD II) for a few years, but never really paid that much attention to them.

However, last night something clicked. I found the sense in it. Difficult to explain, but it left me wanting to explore more of this rather alien-to-me music. Something just appealed to me.

So, where to go now? What's hot and what's not. Vinyl only, if possible.

Try the Don Letts compilation "Dread meets punk rockers uptown" (Fopp has it in vinyl) or even the album that the title was nicked from: "King Tubby meets rockers uptown"
Trojan do some good dub compilations too.


