
The Premiership ofLiz Truss. Sept 2022-Oct 2022. New PM time!

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Boris I’d imagine.

If so will they bother putting her picture in the stairwell and a second for Boris?? Perhaps a passport pic of Liz in the corner of a single Boris portrait?
Boris I’d imagine.

If so will they bother putting her picture in the stairwell and a second for Boris?? Perhaps a passport pic of Liz in the corner of a single Boris portrait?

There are plenty of calls for his return, but would he want to? He had a majority of 80 and the broad support of tory MP's and voters.
He threw it away all by himself through the lies and corruption, all of which were well-known in advance of his premiership. 58 ministers resigned due to his mismanagement, 13 of whom were cabinet ministers, because he destroyed their credibility and support and made it impossible for them to govern. A leopard doesn't change its spots, and if he gets back into No.10, the exact same thing will happen again.

He is currently on holiday, making zero effort to support his party or represent his constituents, and cashing in on giving speeches at over 100k a time. Why would he want to come back, where he might have to do some actual work?
They will do a Sunak/Mordaunt face off. Either would be better but we really should have an election now. Hunt will probably stay as Chancellor.

Liz will get a very nice pay off for her 42 days, quite possibly the best work she’s ever done.
I suspect Boris quite likes the doing boozy speeches for rich Americans at $250,000 a pop.
I’d like to see Mordaunt in No10 and Sunak back in No11. We need Rishi’s focus 100% on the economy, not distracted by the other stuff.
Liz was actually smirking during her resignation. She knows more bombs are coming for others in the ERG.
Recent history is that the Tories have got rid of one mad leader to replace them with someone even madder. Given the trajectory I predict Genghis Khan as next leader with Pol Pot as Chancellor, Myrah Hindley at the Home Office and Attilla the Hun in charge of Foreign Policy
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