
The Premiership of Mary Elizabeth Truss.Sept 2022 - Oct 2022

Merely pointing out that when someone perceives somebody as ‘rich’, they often have absolutely no idea of the reality underneath the surface.

The other side of that (ahem) coin is the people who manage to hide both then income and their wealth, but in reality have UHW levels of both. Carefully disguised via overseas companies, etc. Facilitated by various well-paid lawyers, accountants, etc, and by politicians who have their noses in relevant troughs. Hence someone may seem 'rich' but actually be 'very, very, very, very rich'. Or just seems to be someone that 'someone else helps along'.
I've no vote in this game, but I think the current setup works well. Starmer has the gravitas and trustworthiness you'd want in a leader who, as UK PM, is going to spend time on a world stage, while Rayner has the plain-speaking bluntness you need to get a handle on fixing the many national problems they will inherit. .

So a re-run of Blair and Prescott.

Yes, The Prince of Darkness has been popping up a bit more recently, and that's part of his playbook. Alas, last time it didn't really do more than give us an interlude with nice music. No real letup on privatisation, intro of student loans, being relaxed about The City being 'decent chaps', etc. (sigh)
So why one earth would one *borrow money at increasingly costly rates* in order to cut individual taxes?

Yes well it's a mystery to me. He talked about simplification of the tax system and he talked about enterprise culture , but it's all woffle. Maybe she needed to say she's do it to get elected. But I don't think it's the big driver in the plan, though I am sure it is a driver -- the plan which may not exist.
Well, this has turned sour quicker than even biggest pessimist would have predicted. I can’t work it out, the PM & Chancellor are not stupid yet they behave like they are.

This is peoples lives, I take no pleasure in this & it is practically impossible to get rid of them before 2024.

I’m slightly surprised. The chancellor is supposedly highly intelligent, so far he’s behaved like a bull in a china shop. I’m not liking his demeanour, as I said earlier the blanking of the BBC guy was plain rude. You do wonder if back benchers will be demanding Rishi back in No 11.
I'm assuming that their economic policy is outlined in 'Britannia Unchained' or whatever the dubious book they were involved in 10 years ago. Does it in any way read as a manifesto?
I’m slightly surprised. The chancellor is supposedly highly intelligent, so far he’s behaved like a bull in a china shop. I’m not liking his demeanour, as I said earlier the blanking of the BBC guy was plain rude. You do wonder if back benchers will be demanding Rishi back in No 11.
Cameron was even more intelligent. Didn’t stop him from acting like a dickhead.
I’m slightly surprised. The chancellor is supposedly highly intelligent, so far he’s behaved like a bull in a china shop. I’m not liking his demeanour, as I said earlier the blanking of the BBC guy was plain rude. You do wonder if back benchers will be demanding Rishi back in No 11.

You’ve got to feel for the guy though. He co-authored a book espousing a new economic theory and has been dining out on it ever since, only to find it was total currency-collapsing arse-gravy within seventeen seconds of actually implementing it. That would drive anyone to cocaine.

PS I suspect Graham Brady is far from being without letters.
I'm assuming that their economic policy is outlined in 'Britannia Unchained' or whatever the dubious book they were involved in 10 years ago. Does it in any way read as a manifesto?
Yes it does, rather. A simplistic book which twists any available facts to suit the plan, pretty much on every page
I’m slightly surprised. The chancellor is supposedly highly intelligent, so far he’s behaved like a bull in a china shop. I’m not liking his demeanour, as I said earlier the blanking of the BBC guy was plain rude. You do wonder if back benchers will be demanding Rishi back in No 11.

The chancellor is supposedly highly intelligent ... but has a devout belief in supply side economics.

This is surely a contradiction in terms ?!

