
The Ongoing UKIP PR Disaster thread

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What he should have said is,

Well it wasn't me, it was a demon. It was the demon's fault and the fault of the Devil for putting it in me in the first place.

But it's alright, I have been to see a pastor and he pulled it out safely.

I can now return to politics, okay ?

UKIP Scotland's current chair is Misty Thackeray, who was revealed by this newspaper to have accused Glasgow City Council as being for "Gays, Catholics [and] Communists".

Is kipperism like atheism in NI and Glasgow - are you a catholic kipper or a protestant kipper?

[I suspect a raised as catholic gay atheist pro-EU communist of middle-eastern background caught measuring the average radii of cucumber bends caused a blue rinse elderly kipper to go critical and explode and will be found at the ignition point of the recent School of Art fire]
Yeahbut, 's ROMAN Catholic, innit? 'S foreign and European at that...So shirley the kippers are agin it?

Or am I missing something?

Surely Scottish kippers must also be anti-English, as we're forriners as far as they're concerned.
This is where the Venn Diagram becomes an important political tool...

SNP ∩ anti-EU ∩ non-catholic ∩ hate the English ∩ supports Queen of the South = { Hamish, Dougal, Keith, Bryony and that guy with the lazy eye who is always looking at Heather }
Apparently all the supporters of "the major parties" have been ignoring the "valid arguments" against the UK continuing with membership of the EU and have been guilty of overly simplistically writing off all of the kippers as swivel eyed right wing loons who are all reactionary, sexist, racist, homophobic, non-inclusive anglican, mono-culturally biased bigots.

This may well be so.

But it does seem that somehow the kippers are only able to field candidates who are swivel eyed right wing loons, reactionary, sexist, racist, homophobic, non-inclusive anglican, mono-culturally biased bigots.

Which sort of undermines their point a bit.

Hopefully if they are right about the "Westminster Mafia" being the ones out of touch with the common man they will also find someone articulate enough to explain why, without simultaneously demonstrating all the nuanced subtlety of a cross between Alf Garnett and Reinhard Heydrich.

Unless of course all the politicians and all the newspapers and all the BBC and all the big boys who steal all the toys aren't playing fair. In which case they should probably just have a bit of a cry.

I've deleted a post linking to a site listing alleged Labour party paedophiles for exactly the same reason I refuse to publish links to those accusing high-ranking Tories of the same crimes, i.e. lack of credible citation, lack of hard evidence etc. Many links on the deleted site claim to go to newspaper reports etc but are incomplete thus rendering the accusations nothing more than smears. I just can't afford to publish anything here that may prove libellous.
...and again. Please can I ask people to think before posting. Just because some stuff is written on a ugly .jpg file doesn't mean it's right. If you are naming anyone in connection to a crime link to a credible news source to back the claim, e.g. mainstream mass-circulation newspapers, the BBC, Sky, CNN etc, don't post something here you found on some shitty blogsite.
What? Reports of arrests and court proceedings in the BBC and national/ regional newspapers are not speculation or libel!
What? Reports of arrests and court proceedings in the BBC and national/ regional newspapers are not speculation or libel!

They may well be when on an intensely partisan blog-site and many of those links are obviously incomplete or dead!
Possible litigation aside.

I never cease to be amazed by the monumental thickness of vociferous dummies being interviewed on the telly who support UKIP. They seem blind to the faults, inconsistencies and illogicality.

Now when did that last happen?....
Alternatively it could be the documentary film makers in their bias made a choice to feature thick sounding supporters. I suspect that there just as many supporters who are switched on, do get the warts sometimes involved with UKIP but overridingly want to see change in politics or seek specific common goals especially withdrawal from the EU. There are just too many supporters to generalise about.
Possible litigation aside.

I never cease to be amazed by the monumental thickness of vociferous dummies being interviewed on the telly who support UKIP. They seem blind to the faults, inconsistencies and illogicality.

Now when did that last happen?....

Mull, don't knock it, they're doing great work.
What? Reports of arrests and court proceedings in the BBC and national/ regional newspapers are not speculation or libel!

From other threads it looks like Tony will only believe it:
a) When the Daily Mail reports it
b) If it involves the Tories
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