
'The nonsense that is Naim' sub-forum


pfm Member
Can we have a sub forum for people to post different threads masquerading as questions about Naim that then morph into their true purpose in that they allow the usual suspects to slag the brand and the cretins that buy it off? Would save clogging up this forum I think :D
Everything gets slagged off by somebody at some point or other. It's increasingly the curse of forums and social media that the discourse (if it can still be described as such) becomes ever more vitriolic.

It does occasionally make you think wistfully of the days when a lot of disagreements could be settled by nothing more than a quick smack in the mouth.

If your suggestion is followed to its logical conclusion, then we'd ultimately each sit in individual hermetically sealed virtual bunkers untroubled by the idiocy, hatred or enthusiasms of others.

Not quite sure if that would still technically be considered a forum though?

People have bad days and want to release the pressure, others have anger issues and sometimes/often have bad days, some have issues with a given subject.

That is just life, so those that fall into the above and want to release that pressure sometimes find an avenue to vent their feelings, maybe this is what happens at times.

That is life, we all have those issues at one time or another, just live with it, it won't go away.


Why are Naim users the only ones on this forum who seem to be unable to tolerate criticism of their chosen brand? Every time anyone says something negative about Naim, they cry. I genuinely do not understand it.

If you're happy and secure with your choices why should you care what anyone else thinks? I've seen kit I own take flack many times but I'm fine with that. In a genuinely free society we should all be able to express our opinions without fear of recrimination. And as someone who owned Naim for over twenty years, who the hell are you to tell me I can't relate my experience of it?

If you want a safe space go build your own.
Why are Naim users the only ones on this forum who seem to be unable to tolerate criticism of their chosen brand? Every time anyone says something negative about Naim, they cry. I genuinely do not understand it.

If you're happy and secure with your choices why should you care what anyone else thinks? I've seen kit I own take flack many times but I'm fine with that. In a genuinely free society we should all be able to express our opinions without fear of recrimination. And as someone who owned Naim for over twenty years, who the hell are you to tell me I can't relate my experience of it?

If you want a safe space go build your own.

Naim used to be very fashionable/trendy and there was sometimes an element of ridicule if you didn’t own Naim kit. I suppose if something is popular for these sort of reasons, then it will in part attract buyers who seek the reassuring glow of being part of a trendy crowd and getting approval. Of course, this makes this type of buyer vulnerable if others don’t praise it or if trends change, which will tend to upset them. However, I’m sure the vast majority of members here simply purchase Naim because they like the sound and don’t give a monkey’s what anyone else says. I’d love to hear a really good Naim set up one day.
Why are Naim users the only ones on this forum who seem to be unable to tolerate criticism of their chosen brand? Every time anyone says something negative about Naim, they cry. I genuinely do not understand it.

If you're happy and secure with your choices why should you care what anyone else thinks? I've seen kit I own take flack many times but I'm fine with that. In a genuinely free society we should all be able to express our opinions without fear of recrimination. And as someone who owned Naim for over twenty years, who the hell are you to tell me I can't relate my experience of it?

If you want a safe space go build your own.

Many don't like free speech
Naim used to be top shelf (at least in the UK I believe) and so attracts a certain type of buyer, irrespective of its sonic signature which isn't everyone's cup of tea. Said buyers could be more sensitive to criticism (of their choice) and respond accordingly to less flattering comments about their beloved kit. I'm sure there are parallels in other niche products, but perhaps those aren't as polarising or flawed as hifi.
...People have bad days and want to release the pressure...

Actually no, there is a bunch of folks on THIS forum (often referred to as "the usual suspects") to whom the mention of the words "Naim" and "Linn" evoke a Pavlovian response, which results in a torrent of vitriol against the brand and their adherents.

Curiously, the level of hatred towards those brands, and, naturally of course, to those of us "stupid enough" to have bought into them does not appear to be reciprocated on other forums (thankfully).
Actually no, there is a bunch of folks on THIS forum (often referred to as "the usual suspects") to whom the mention of the words "Naim" and "Linn" evoke a Pavlovian response, which results in a torrent of vitriol against the brand and their adherents.

Exaggeration, just a tad I think?
Why are Naim users the only ones on this forum who seem to be unable to tolerate criticism of their chosen brand?

Personally, I don't give a flying fcuk about other folks preferences (this is a bl00dy hobby, ffs), but neither do I slag off their choices.

So why do they feel the need to slag off mine??

(Actually Mr. P, this is not directed at you per se, but no, it is not an exaggeration)

