
The National: What am I missing?


It’s shite being Scottish!
A few years back, I came across four of their CD’s (The National, Alligator, Sad Songs For Dirty Lovers, and Cherry Tree), in mint condition, in a charity shop for a quid each. I’d read Mojo and Uncut write highly of them, and bracket them alongside the likes of War On Drugs, Richmond Fontaine, Ryan Adams, Arcade Fire etc. some of whom I like, others not so much. I thought, what have I got to lose, and snapped them all up. I listened to them all, but nothing much happened. I watched their Glastonbury set last night, and while there was nothing objectionable other than one or two hairstyles, I wasn’t much excited either.

I’ve more yesterdays behind me these days, than tomorrows in front of me. So, are The National worth persevering with?
In someways they are the American equivalent to Elbow ( although I much prefer The National to Elbow) - very good in places but overall a steady 7/10

BTW - You're missing Boxer which is their best record IMO. I've a few of their records but Boxer is the only one I'd keep.
I liked Alligator and Boxer at the time, and for a few days, High Violet. I then started thinking it sounded like a band doing an impression of the National, with nothing new, and promptly gave up on them.

Other than Aaron Dessner’s contributions to T-swizzle’s Folkmore albums, I haven’t heard anything since, though it seems they’re more beigecore now.
As above re Boxer. It was my intro to them, and I saw them on that tour at Sheffield Leadmill, totally blew me away at the time. Bought everything since and fell out of love with them, but then saw them live again at Connect festival a couple of years ago and they were superb again, when I was expecting to be a bit bored, so, well worth seeing them live, but maybe not on tv (I've not seen the glasto set yet).
They wouldn't be out of place on Radio 2. Worthy but dull.

Cheers BB
About right. I have a couple of their albums but tbh, they were all much of a muchness. Slightly dreary. A couple of songs really work, like Bloodbuzz Ohio or Graceless but they are not a band I revisit.
Agree with most of the above -- loved Boxer but gradually went off them after that. If you want an alt-ish indie rock band I always though Deerhunter were much better.
I wrote in the Glasto thread that I liked what they did. It was based mostly on relief that I found a band with half decent lyrics and quite good songs, in a line up of artists who were not my cuppa. I'm more of a miserable git than @Weekender as far as bands go. :)
I LOVE them, but I am quite dull.

They peaked at an absolutely massively high altitude with Boxer/High Violet/Trouble Will Find Me

After that they started writing with their wives/duetting with other women and just lost it for me.

Laugh Track does show some tentative signs of rehabilitation, fingers crossed.
One of my favourite artists, but you have to let them find their way into your psyche I feel. I Should Live In Salt is one of my favourite all time songs.

Anyone who has seen the movie Warrior (enjoyable nonsense though it is in many ways) will know how great the use of their About Today track is in the closing scene of the movie.

Persevere and there is a lot to be liked about them, but I do get why they are not everyone's cup of tea.

