
The Future Of The Democratic Party.

I’m calling out some here as a total fraud.

i still have no idea what you're on about but, as i do when placing a bet at belmont or aqueduct by looking carefully at what is playing out on the board, will assume this is something about reading the mind of rubber-ducky max.
? are you saying you want a hillary rerun ?
I think he sees any opposition to the criminals opposing Trump as promotion of Trump and his gang of criminals.

He hasn't yet realised that they're all criminals. He's not alone.
that's a good one indeed. if she wrote for a corporate-funded news outlet, she would either be very popular or fired after day one.
Facebook Is Throttling My Articles, So It’s Time To Diversify Platforms. Hi Steemit!

Online censorship has been an agenda of the elites who rule over us for some time now, and their having lost control of the narrative in the 2016 election has made that agenda all the more urgent. We’re going to have to stay agile, diverse and creative in order to get around the obstructions they try to throw in our attempts to network and share information with each other, but we can definitely still do it. The old machinations of manipulation and control are no match for the speed and agility of online guerrilla media warfare.

Keep fighting.

Yawn. Yet another angry blogger. There is nothing stopping her starting her own platform.
People have a lot to be angry about Tony. She's one of many that have woken up to realise we are all being manipulated via mainstream media at the behest of the elites who are fu**ing up our world as they hoover up all the wealth spreading inequality and often misery.

The views of people like her need to be heard by more people if this Neoliberal/Neocon stranglehold is to be broken.
Her grammar is good though Joe, so I thought you'd like her :cool:

Her grammar's OK. But her beef, that she has what many would regard as 'extremist' views and that she finds it difficult to find a platform for them, seems a bit whiney. What she actually wants is for someone to host her rants, and those of others with extreme views, free of charge. Maybe Facebook is, in some way, 'throttling' her feeds. Maybe people have just got bored reading the same old stuff from her. Who knows? But there's certainly no legal or moral requirement for Facebook or anyone else to provide her with a platform.
As I understand it Facebook have made a decision to push-feed far less political memes and blogs in light of the Trump and Brexit bot fiascos. Fair enough IMO. If so that means wannabe journalists need to find themselves proper platforms. There are many, many left-wing political sites out there, if Johnson can’t get onto them that should probably be viewed as a reflection on the quality and insight of her writing more than anything else.
I'll get back to Caitlin later. Meanwhile I implore people to watch this short video as it perfectly encapsulates what is wrong with the Democratic Party and US politics in general, the money etc.

Please watch it, it's so on the money and explains exactly why Trump will win again in 2020 if things inside the Democratic Party don't change.

if Johnson can’t get onto them that should probably be viewed as a reflection on the quality and insight of her writing more than anything else.

it's too bad you don't have the ability to evaluate her writing on your own and have to rely on really poor heuristics to arrive at an opinion.
I'll get back to Caitlin later. Meanwhile I implore people to watch this short video as it perfectly encapsulates what is wrong with the Democratic Party and US politics in general, the money etc.

Does anything sum it up better than today's Steve Wynn story?

The (now former, as he's been outed as a sleazebag) finance chair of the Republicans. And what do they look for in a finance chief? A casino billionaire.

Obviously you make your billions in the casino industry by rigging the game in your favour. So he's the perfect choice.
maxflinn (& vuk)---

"Fighting Amongst Demselves

Ben Calhoun spent months following some key leaders in the Democratic Party, to find out the party’s best strategy for the future. He got some answers. So many, in fact, that it is hard to say if a single strategy is even a goal, let alone a possibility. (30 minutes)"

I agree 100%.

PS- I hate the NY Yankees and the SF Giants baseball teams too! ;-)
Here's a perfect example of what's possible when you vote in a politician, albeit only a state senator in this case, who refuses to take corporate money.

The DNC were against him of course, but he won anyway, and....

Seven minute video:


