
TeddyReg uses and comparisons


pfm Member
Put some 24v TRegs in this instead of ALWSRs (hence the spare reference wires) (edited-Pixlr).jpg?dl=0

I was thinking it would power a Naim Prefix phonostage, but with further reading on here I don't think it will be an improvement on the ALWSRs or the TPR4. So maybe put the TRs inside a Nac 72 and power with a TPR4 power supply at 30v?

I have a single SuperTR bare board, could do with another, and I'm not sure it is possible to source components anymore. Any Advice?


Thanks to Sam for the TRs and help
Agreed...I don't think it will be an improvement either...but I believe teddy has stated it is on a few occasions

It should still be a great supply for a what's the problem?

My 72 is powered by a diy hicap...with alwsr (x2) in the hicap (37v down to 32v).. supplying 4 more alwsr boards in the 72 ...set to 24.8volts
It sounds rather nice
I 'm supplying my NAC 72 alternating a pair of ALWSRs or TRs and STRs clones. I find that the 72 sounds neticeably different powered by the ALWSR by comparison with the others. However, I like a lot all them and I can't choose the one to put stadly in my system. It is as choose between two tastes of ice cream. Once I enjoy the cream the other the lemon.
Moons ago I built a 32.5 with six ALWSRs, one for each board...wired out the relay and the balance pot, added a Noble pot and it sounded wonderful.

I've used STR here and there before and I always found the sound of the ALWSRs more appealing. And then I built a B4 and discovered a non-Naim sound, the start of the downfall. Lol.

I also have a DIYAudio Whammy which I used as a pre-amp, supplied by a couple of ALWSRs, which sounds rather good. Maybe I should try a ALWSR powering my miniDSP box...joke btw!

