
Sugden A21s - how hot does it actually get?


pfm Member
I've been interested in trying one of these with my Shahinian Arcs - mainly out of curiosity as a few people have rated the sound of the combination even though on paper they don't appear to be a great match.

However, I've a "fingers everywhere" toddler who investigates anything - particularly knobs/buttons/anything which could potentially be made to explode.

Does the A21a get hot enough to actually burn/scald or is it just warm?


well i never used to like moving mine for a good 30 mins after running it - phewey it got hot.
It gets as hot as a central heating radiator. Not so hot as to burn but hot enough to persuade you to remove your fingers from the heatsinks.

It won't harm your toddler.

Does the A21a get hot enough to actually burn/scald or is it just warm?


From my experience the Amp gets hot enough to feel hot but not do any real flesh damage, from my experience in bringing up children tell him/her it is hot and don't touch and let him/her touch if is he/she insists on doing so. This will only happen once. The upshot is that you child learns a very important lesson, Two in fact..Hot is Hot and don't touch means exactly that.

This registers very high in the child's mind that that "I told you" is in fact worth listening to and acting upon.

Win Win.:)

