
Streaming issue


pfm Member
Due to the mess which is my nas drive I decided to re rip all my cd's using db poweramp via my pc.
I did a factory reset on the nas, all well and good and began the process of copying file from my pc to the nas. Before I began the task of re ripping I first transferred files that were already on the pc consisting of ripped cd in flac and some hi res downloads about 30 albums in all.
Next I began ripping and copying files, about half a dozen albums to begin with.
I thought I would check all was well with the nas before going any further and discovered that everything that I copied to the nas that was already on the pc, i.e. the 30 albums won't playback. The only albums that play back are the newly ripped half dozen albums.
I can see all the albums on the nas so can my Naim 172 XS streamer.
Any idea why only the new rips will play?
Use DB power amp to batch convert them all to Flac just change the level slightly and they should all work then ;)

- old tracks on PC
- newly ripped tracks on PC
- all copied across to NAS
- only newly ripped tracks play back

What happens when:
- You use your PC media player to play the files locally
- you do the same, but pointing the media player at the NAS
- old tracks on PC
- newly ripped tracks on PC
- all copied across to NAS
- only newly ripped tracks play back

Yes to the above.

What happens when:
- You use your PC media player to play the files locally
- you do the same, but pointing the media player at the NAS

Not sure, I have not tried this, I don't want to have to have my pc on to play music, hence the streamer.
Not sure, I have not tried this, I don't want to have to have my pc on to play music, hence the streamer.

It is only to narrow down the cause of the issue (specifically: to find out whether there is an issue in how you are copying the files across to the NAS).
Your upnp server might need to be told to rescan the music files on the NAS. The act of copying them on may not trigger this automatically.

