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@Joe P the voice-over woman is so bad, i was wondering why the youtube ad was so long until i realized it was the feature about 45 seconds in.

@Joe P the voice-over woman is so bad, i was wondering why the youtube ad was so long until i realized it was the feature about 45 seconds in.

Maybe Barry White wasn't available to do the voice over.


Don't be a chicken of depression, man. Besides, unless you can get us to Talos IV this is as good as it's gonna get.


I’ll say. Sounds like some sort of jive turkey if you ask me.

I started a cynical message, but that really isn't worth the keystrokes. And snark aside, the aesthetics of the trailer are a total break from Discovery. That is a reason for hope, actually.
I have much hope for this new series *and* I’m fine with Discovery.

There, I said it.

Crap, the link I posted doesn’t work anymore.

Here’s a new one.


This is the first officer of pfm. Our respect for other life forms requires that we give you this... warning. One critical item of information that has never been incorporated into the memory banks of any forum.

Since the early years of nerdy music and hi-fi exploration, pfm has had incorporated into it a substance known as... corbomite. It is a material and a device which prevents attack on us. If any destructive energy touches pfm, a reverse reaction of equal strength is created, destroying the attacker. It may interest you to know that since the initial use of corbomite more than two iterations of the forum ago, no attacking jive turkey has survived the attempt.

Death has little meaning to us. If it has none to you then attack us now. We grow annoyed at your foolishness.

I do not desire either to assimilate or expunge those who may dissent from what I find to be true. Their errors are sometimes piquant, and create variety in the continuum.

