
Squeezebox Touch £134.99 at Amazon UK


pfm Member
...or at least it was at 10am on Christmas Eve. Amazon change their prices very quickly - act now if you want one!

Edit - all gone by lunchtime... glad some of you were successful.

Re-edit 1730 Christmas Eve. They're back in stock at £134.99, so I'll bump this.


2000 - offer gone again. I can only suggest you keep an eye on the Amazon site if you missed out.
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thanks for the heads up :D

as for Amazon's prices, I've seen them wobble about on other things by very large amounts, god knows why or how, perhaps to get people posting links to them going ':O the price!' ;P
Gosh that was the quickest impulse purchase I ever made! I figured I can always send it back if I change my mind. Its never going to be cheaper than that. Many thanks for the tip.
By the way, is the Squeezebox Touch able to play apple lossless files?
All my CDs are stored that way...
many thanks
The radio looks interesting. I assume the bit rates are as good as DAB or better? I now use the iTunes internet radio streamed to the hi-fi via AE and controlled via iPad - which gives access to Radio 3 at 320 kbps. But (oddly) you can get Radio 4 LW at 128 kbps but Radio 4 national at only 48 kbps. Which is really odd. (And the station that just plays Oscar Petersen is only at the DAB standard 128 kbps.)
Was meaning to pop by BestBuy, before they close completely, I heard they had some cheap Squeezeboxes too.
Cancelled that order, as Amazon price is now £84.99. A bargain!.
At that price it's worth buying, but not for more. Unless they have fixed the problem in the meantime, you have to know that the station presets don't work (stations get lost all the time). Okay for you because you can always use the wheel, but if it's for your mother, forget it.

At least it syncs well with other Squeezeboxes, and this makes the buttons/wheels obsolete anyway. I have one on the bathroom and it's indeed cool to be able to walk through the house and listen to music seamlessly.
This site contains affiliate links for which pink fish media may be compensated.
I was planning on getting one at around £170 in the new year, so this is a nice find. Thanks to the OP for alerting us all... £135 - great price!

