
Spot of bother with mapped drives


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I have a server which backs up to another PC. On the another PC the boot drive went south so I reinstalled windows. Although I named the pc the same, I gave it a different password.

Meanwhile on the Server the mapped drives to that PC obviously became redundant with red Xes in them. I right clicked and disconnected but they remain. Trying to do it agin results in 'error does not exist'

I tried net use in terminal, it says the drive does not exist. I simply tried remapping but I now do not have permission to connect to the PC because my credentials are wrong, with seemingly no way out.

All I can find on line is registry shenanigans. Is this really the only way?

In short I want the no longer available mapped drives gone and remapped to what is the same computer just with a different password.

It appears a drive that is no longer available cannot be removed??
Couple of things to try:-
1. From the server open the command prompt and type: net use j: /delete (where j: is the drive letter you want removing).
2. Have you tried reverting the user account to use the same password as before

