
Speakers: MUN17-3W

I like this thread as I like all the in depth threads about building speakers that allow me to vicariously satisfy my desire to build a great set of speakers which I lack the skill, equipment, space and time to do so.

However it seems there is a great deal of procrastination going on when it comes to the building of the blasted cabinets

(he says sitting here procrastinating about doing work on his work from home day).
Procrastination is second only to faffing in my list of DIY skills pmm. You'll be glad to know that I made some progress today... Nothing to do with speaker cabinets however! The hard part of one upper shelf for the rack more or less done - epoxied, flattened and rough sanded... Just three more to go

My working at home days tend to be the most productive, certainly. Just not for my employer.
Any suggestions on how to notate the connections in some fashion? I have zero engraving skills or access to fancy machinery. I don't really want to use ugly stickers if I can help it. I'll probably just want IN / OUT / LEFT / RIGHT or similar on the rear of the crossovers, and maybe something on the rear of the speaker if it's not too difficult...
If you're up for quite a lot of faff, how about something like this:

Not that I've actually tried it myself😂!
One crossover box glued up. I used some black resin for this as there was some spare from crack filling and it should blend in well with the enclosure.

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