
solder dry joints...

Ken C

pfm Member
hi folks,

another noddy.

how can you identify a "dry joint"? is it visually obvious? or can you only oick it up by measurement?


A well 'wetted' joint will appear bright and shiny. It will resemble a volcano whilst the solder will 'wick' up the component leg.

A dry joint will generally be dull without a clearly defined volcano shape but with the top of the solder forming a similar reverse meniscus to that formed by mercury in a jar.

I do hope that's clear but it's a difficult thing to describe in general terms.
A slight problem for the inexperienced is that uncleaned solder joints don't appear 'bright and shiny' because of the flux residue left on the surface of the joint.

As Les says, there should be evidence of good flow of molten solder all around the joint - so no volcanoes or bare shadows.

