
So - anyone up for a group buy of some bits?


Bodging pleb
Tony/mods - let me know if this is a problem.

There's been some discussion of various bits in several threads recently that are either hard to get over here in the UK, or would be a lot cheaper if we bought a lot. So I thoiught I'd offer to organise and manage a group buy of said items. The first thing to say is that this will be completely non profit making - it's designed to help all my lovely chums here on PFM, nothing more.

So far the items we're talking about are the Elna Silmic 47uF 50v capacitors - if there's enough interest, we may be able to buy 1000 at a very good price (thanks Andy W for the research!) - if it doesn't look viable, then we can still save a bit by grouping to save postage. The other item is the 2SC3329 transistor that's been mooted as a good replacement for the discontinued 2SD786, which can replace all the ZXT384s on the Naim boards. As long as the stock is available, I'll certainly be getting these.

I've put a web page up here for people to register their interest in the items - suggestions for further items gratefully accepted.
Tony/mods - let me know if this is a problem.

Looks good to me.


PS How have you put the web page together? I’m interested in putting a similar page up on the main pfm site to sell second hand vinyl! I need to find a way of doing it that allows for easy stock changes and can cope with PayPal payments.
It's database driven (SQL server), written in VBScript. I assume you'd want to do yours in MySQL/php, as I think that's what vBulletin works in. Afraid I have no knowledge of that sort of thing. You could look at one of the dirt cheap shopping cart packages maybe? I'll have a look around if you want.

Chiily's been in touch to suggest we do a similar thing for the 2sb737 transistors, so I've added it to the same form, and we'll sort it all out when we know what interest there is. Just to reiterate, this is just to gauge interest at the moment.

I think we'll find that after the initial buy, there will be a continued trickle of interest over the following months. I'm happy to "hold stock" if we end up with more than required, and supply as and when. As long as the finances aren't too ikky....

A group buy on some bulk foils would be good, but I have no idea what savings might be available - it may be that there are too many values needed to make it sensible. I'm looking into the buying of some of those Vishay/Dale resistors Andy W mentioned from Mouser, though - might be worth considering.
OK, I've had confirmation of the 2SC3329 transistors - I've been brave and gone ahead and ordered them, as they're not expensive - they work out at £0.16 each inc shipping from over the water - there will probably be VAT to pay on them once they arrive though. Still rather cheaper than the 2.30 Euro that Borbely Audio charge for them.....
Thats great Richard. Thanks for your efforts which are much appreciated.
Can any one provide any links / threads that the components relate to ? Which mods etc ...

I have a nac62 which is ripe for attention

Have a look at the Silmic thread.

Basically these transistors will replace the ZTX384 (3329) and ZTX214 (737) transistors that are scattered around your preamp, and the Silmics seem to be worth trying in the feedback loop of the main gain and phono boards. Each phono board takes 11x384s, and 2x214s.

I've just added 10uF Silmics to the list of items in there. I may also add a bunch of resistor values for a buy of some of those Vishay/Dale doodhas AndyW mentioned.
If anyone who's added stuff already wants to add other bits, stick them in and I'll tidy up after. I was going to add some code to allow you to pull your details and amend, but as there's no "secret" info you entered first time round, I can't think of an easy way of protecting that from potential abuse - you never know who's watching....

I would be very interested in a few bulk foils for feedback loops, cartridge loading, etc.

Are we setting a cut off date for 'registration'?

Oh, and 2SB737 are down to 70p each, with a buy of 70, so come on someone register for another 10!
The Vishay/Dales aren't bulk foils, but good non mag "normal" resistors according to guru Weekes. Probably worth getting a full set of values to go right through the cards. I'll get my spreadsheets churning later.

I think the bulk foils are still the preferred choice for the feedback loop. Not sure if anyone's found a cheaper supplier than
Audiosysnthesis . If there's interest, I could contact them about a price for multiple quantities.

Mind you, I'm also interested in trying altering the gain of the phono stage, as I recall Neil McB commented it seems to improve the "drive". I'll try that before I decide which bulk foil to buy :)

"down to 70p" - is that including shipping etc? Remember that the Signal Transfer company does them for 75p delivered - I bet he'd do a price for 60 odd.
Are the 10uf silmics for replacing the input/output tants?
if so, why not use the 10uf SMR (PPS) from Elfa-electronics instead?, Is it because they are too expensive?
Just added it to see if anyone wanted any - I doubt it will be something we can get a bulk price on anyway. Even with the 47uFs, we're nowhere near 1000 to get a really decent price. I reckon we need to be up at around the 300 mark to make it worthwhile, otherwise we may end up with Silmic 1 from that Italian site.

I had enough trouble getting the 3.3uF PPS on there, so goodness knows what a 10uF would be like.
Instead of extending the legs on the SMR's, would it not be easier/possible to drill a small hole through the circuit board + track and scrape some of the lacquer off the underside of the track for soldering.

I don't know if this would work with 32/72 slot in boards though.
Forget my previous post.
I just looked at the internal photos of the Grad 1 on the Avondale site, those SMR's look huge!
LOL - I was going to post a pic of my 3u3 ones, but you got the idea.

I've just received the 3329 transistors, so I don't know if those who wanted some want them now, as any Silmic stuff is likely to be a good time yet before it happens. I'll email those who've registered an interest, but there should still be some left afterwards.
I just looked at the internal photos of the Grad 1 on the Avondale site, those SMR's look huge!
They are with a 27.5mm pitch. They had be brought in specially from Finland as there were none in the UK plus, I had to order a minimum of 400 - nearly broke the wallet I can tell you.

