
"Snoopers charter" back on the agenda

Next he'll be saying that Amdocs don't hand over all the call records for pretty much every phone in the US.

It seems that the powers that be are determined to force this through.

Personally I regard it as the most heinous legislation in many decades and hope it dies a death. And this from a Tory party who when in opposition promised to kill off the ID card bill! IMHO the state should know nothing of the private lives of individuals.... anything less is the start of a slippery slope to "1984"

Much better that a few terrorist murders happen than that 62 million people lose their privacy.... it's very doubtful that it would even be successful in it's aims anyway as it would likely catch out only the inept!

Does anyone really believe that if they have these powers they would not be used for other purposes? I'm sure that many involved in shall we say "non mainstream" politics such as socialist workers party, Respect, end the war pressure groups, the occupy movement etc... anyone whose beliefs are radically opposed to those of the government, even if there is no suggestion of violence in any way shape or form, would likely find their emails, web browsing history and mobile calls being monitored. The thin end of the wedge!

"They who would give up an essential liberty for temporary security, deserve neither liberty or security."
Benjamin Franklin

Totally agree with you 100%

It would be totally unjust

Assuming you meant to ask "what does he know that we don't?" I'd say NSA or similar "backdoor" in Apple products? Who knows. There was talk years back about Intel CPU IDs being transmitted over the internet to god knows who when ever you connected on line. If you'd asked me just a year ago if any such "backdoor" reporting was being built in to publicly available commercial hardware, I'd have laughed at you and asked you where your tinfoil hat was. Now however, nothing would surprise me and I'd be willing to consider just about any conspiracy theory involving a western government.
The yanks are a bit over the top when it comes to security on their devices, when I worked for the US Army I had both a secure and insecure email address and a blackberry. To use the blackberry for secret emails you had to put it in a caddy and then insert your CAC (ID card) into it. You ended up with a wobbly phone that was the size of a small laptop.

I thought the DoD were now using mobileiron for their secure emails on iPhones/blackberrys

When I was over in the US working at Fort Sam we used to look after the Raytheon switches which provide the secure comms, the president used to have one of these on his desk, not sure if they still use them now as this was a few years ago and was based on an old nortel SL-1 switch.

Ah the good old days when the yanks used to trust us with their security, they won't touch us with a barge pole now.
Very odd - I'd have imagined the NSA to be digital guys, but no:

"Even during the Klayman interview, Klein pushed the lawyer to defend his position against the NSA, asking whether there are situations in which the NSA’s record collection program is a positive thing for national security."
Oh goodie its still only about terrorists - any one who said that on here, and there were many, are complete idiots,


NSA collects millions of text per day
I've just upgraded my phone but forgot to copy the phone book to the new one so do you think they would send me a list of all the numbers and names I'd called if I drop them a text asking nicely?

