
slate and ply 401

I really dislike soft coupling, sorbothane/rubber/squash balls, but it's personal to a system.
Direct coupling with spikes, I like Nordost points.

Slate brought about more forensic reproduction, but lost a lot of 'life' and depth,especially bass. Funk acrimat + ply is my choice.

I haven't gone further with the Garrard's, but I have built a large Lenco plinth, homage to Jean Nantais @ 160lbs. I was sceptical building it, but reality was it's the best Lenco I've heard. No foo products apart from a PTP, I was fortunate to get a quiet motor ;-)
I've recently changed the squash balls on my Loricraft style plinth (got tired of constant deforming) for these:

Quite inexpensive, should hold their form over longer periods and a nice little improvement in sound quality...

They did take rather long to arrive from Italy though...

Tried to order some from the website but they don't seem to be able to handle a UK address. Life is just too short ...
Whether isolating with something squishy or coupling with spikes is best will be dependent on a few things:

Is the plinth massive and solid or lightweight?
What's the support?
What's the support standing on?

Unfortunately for me I haven't been in a position to do much experimentation, but I think a safe bet is if your floors transmit any sort of vibration (I'm not just talking about springy-floor footfall here), isolation is in order, but it can be through the support, rather than the plinth. If you have a massive plinth, on a massive support, standing on a solid floor that isn't close enough to a major road or rail line to vibrate, coupling could work best.

And finally, it's your own subjective opinion of what works/sounds best for you.

