
Slade in Flame - Tonight, BBC4, 2030

Not seen this before (although I do have the soundtrack) and was pleasantly surprised what a good film it is. I do love 70's films that show what this country was like, especially the big cities, boarded up terraces and cars with so much rust you can see the road as you drive along.
Awesome film - especially the start. Always interesting to see what things were like before I was born ;-)
Topped only by Dave Quantick in the '70s pop thing afterwards defining 'concept album' as 'A crap story told by a drunk'.
Quality - but disappointed about lack of cup a soup and monster truck glue references.


Rich - confused
I was channel hopping and spotted it.
But my Sky signal went (thunderstorms or atmospherics I think), so I watched a "Masterchef" that I'd recorded instead.
Great film. I saw Slade at college in about 1980 expecting them to be a bit of a joke. They were great, maybe the best pub rock band ever.

I didn't get to see this last night. I remember seeing this film years ago, late at night. I must seek out a copy on dvd. Not bad, as I remember. It was better than films like "Never to young to rock", "Remember me this way" and "Side by side". These were other films that featured pop acts from the 70s. Those films were awful.

Parts of "In Flame" were filmed in Sheffield.

Dean - if you want I can archive a copy to DVD from the PVR (as long as it recorded OK) and post it to you.

