
[FS/SWAP] Shure N44-7 Stylus as new and boxed

I’d be interested if you’d allow me to inspect it. The colour is wrong for a N44-7 (which is white), so it looks like an N55E, which I’d definitely be interested in if in genuinely good condition. My guess is it us a used one that ended up in that box, but if it is very low use I’d happily pay the £75 for it. Only looking at it under a microscope (I have two!) would reveal that.
Hi Tony...I picked up the microscope thread and now have two ! A National Geographic zoom and a russian modeI pickedup in a charity shop with a wooden case.
I'm sure you are right about the box and the stylus mismatch, bowing to your superior wisdom. You are welcome to inspect.

The N55E cartridge and stylus can also be sold as well. I can take a better picture of that. The shank on that stylus has been pinched at some point (as the pictures will eventually show) so I don't want too much for it. Not sure if it will affect the sound?
Thanks @narabdela

Even at that mag' the stylus and canti' look spectacularly clean, apart from the effects of passage of time - surely it can't have dome much if any work?
x100+ will reveal all.
Hi Tony...I picked up the microscope thread and now have two ! A National Geographic zoom and a russian modeI pickedup in a charity shop with a wooden case.
I'm sure you are right about the box and the stylus mismatch, bowing to your superior wisdom. You are welcome to inspect.

Thanks I’ll PM you.

PS Only interested in the one in the box, not the one in the M55 body, so that’s still up for grabs.

