
setting up a cartridge


I feel better than James Brown
Thanks for all members assistance regarding previous thread MM/MC and have decided to stick with MM
Now I have to re-fit a goldring cartridge whilst the other is re-tipped (please do not ask me to listen to CD's in the interim period)
How do I go about this without contributing too much to a dealers golfing fund.
I do possess an old test record which may assist in the final analysis.
Unfortunately my fingers are somewhat walls porker sausages dimensions so it has to be reasonably simple or otherwise my wife and children may well take over when the curses are too strong.
Whereabouts are you? If you're not too far from me (I'm in mid Lincs) I'd be more than happy to pop round and help you with the cartridge fitting/set-up.
Fascinating read but has only cemented my opinion to pay a professional to do the job :D
Previously I think I have set them up o.k but these were less costier cartridges. I do not hear any obvious harm to the vinyl so far. Maybe I should just do it!
Body shape can proove frustrating on the 1000 series Goldrings, I had them for years before going back to Denon. Just take your time and no alcohol whilst fitting, I found this to be the best approach.
My dealer charged about £15 to set mine up, even though I bought it elsewhere, and hashed up my attempt to do it.

