
Separate signal grounds NA72 to NAP250


Active Member
Hi all,
I'm building a new power supply for my NAC, incorporating the Tibbs ground mod and also moving to direct NAC-NAP signal cabling (rather than the NAC-PSU-NAP) approach.

Whilst I'm waiting for delivery of some of the parts of this PSU I have been idly wondering about the common signal ground between the NAC and the NAP. Is there any potential mileage in separating the signal grounds in terms of sound quality, reduced noise or whatever ?

If I swapped out the 3-pin socket on the back of the NAP for a 4-pin and rewired the internal cabling appropriately, then rejigged the 4-pin on the NAC to support separate grounds and built a cable to suit, could I effect some sort of improvement or would the effort be entirely wasted or even potentially counter productive ?

Any advice would be gratefully received.
Do you mean the two signal grounds for each of the channels into the amps? If so, then no. This will probably not be advantageous because the amps have another ground connection on the input that is common to them both. They're the green wires next to the screened input connection.
I'm building a new power supply for my NAC, incorporating the Tibbs ground mod and also moving to direct NAC-NAP signal cabling (rather than the NAC-PSU-NAP) approach.

Sounds that your doing a very similar mod to the ones I did on my 72 / ALWS modded supply.

You should get some great results from this...I fed the return / Mr tibbs mod return back separately...just as far as the PS
Do you mean the two signal grounds for each of the channels into the amps? If so, then no. This will probably not be advantageous because the amps have another ground connection on the input that is common to them both. They're the green wires next to the screened input connection.
Hi, thanks for weighing in.
Inside the NAP there are two cables running from the 3-pin input socket to the input side of the two amp boards, one to each of them. The screen of each of these cables is connected to the same tab, signal-return, on the back of the input socket. What I am proposing is to replace the 3-pin input socket with a four pin and rewire these cables so they do not share a signal-return but instead each channel has a separate signal and return. These four lines would match those in a 4-pin DIN on the back of the NAC (once I had rewired that similarly).
The two 4-pin connectors would be joined by an interconnect with two twisted pairs, one carrying channel 1 and the other channel 2. Would this setup offer any potential benefits ? Would it cause any grounding issues, instability or other nasties.
The idea arose out of a simple, and assuredly naïve, thought that separating the two channels often seems to be a good idea, so why not here ? Like I said, naïve, but hey....
Do you mean the two signal grounds for each of the channels into the amps? If so, then no. This will probably not be advantageous because the amps have another ground connection on the input that is common to them both. They're the green wires next to the screened input connection.
Hi again.
I misread your reply initially. Re-reading it, I now realise that you had indeed correctly apprehended what I was proposing and answered my query fully. Sorry to have repeated it unnecessarily.

