
Seen any good movies on Sky lately?

...and here, you did get one or two good uns on the old Sky Indie Movie channel the rest of the movies channels are one big con.
New movies comes on Sky Premiere for a month then gets moved down to the next channel, then the next etc, etc.
My son has set up a trial of Netflix on the PS3 - you guys got any film recommendations?

We have been using Netflix via PS3 for nearly a year now - and have seen some great films... my brother is a prof. of independent film so I should be able to recommend some films as I have seen a few classics... hold that thought!
We have been using Netflix via PS3 for nearly a year now - and have seen some great films... my brother is a prof. of independent film so I should be able to recommend some films as I have seen a few classics... hold that thought!

Do you find netflix any good? I have used lovefilm and ran out of films very quickly
Do you find netflix any good? I have used lovefilm and ran out of films very quickly

Yes, it is okay, by no means dazzling but the search facility throws up some good stuff via actor or film title and will suggest other films.
I have seen these films recently, some are re-watched as I saw some of these well pre-Netflix by some years... some I re-watched because they are in HD e.g. Zulu which was ace in HD.

Here we go, say if you have seen them/liked them, because it displays your movie taste and therefore it is easier to give advice.
in no order:
Barton Fink

Punch-Drunk Love - A decent Adam Sandler film, who would have thought it! This is a film that husband & wife can watch happily together


The Quick and the Dead - Gene Hackman plus many stars in an odd western given the Sam Raimi treatment, well worth a viewing

1959 version of Journey To The Centre Of The Earth with James Mason

Battle Royale (Japanese and essential viewing)
Cop Land
Planet Terror
The Ipcress File
Kill Bill
Jackie Brown
Death Race 2000 1975 version Cool!

Or look at the Japanese anime section - Metropolis (2001 Taro Rin) is an exceptional film and has a great jazz soundtrack. Akira is not on Netflix, but you should own Akira on blu-ray if you have any taste.

Lastly find Afro Samurai (anime Samuel L. Jackson) which is episodic or in film version, difficult to get a cooler modern cartoon! Archer series 1 and 2 are on Netflix and is f**king hilarious by the by.

Enough for now. bt

