
Sad songs

Stan Ridgway - Mission In Life from the album , Mosquitos.

You can follow the lyrics in another window as you listen

Lyrics : here

This one really builds with the feeling as it goes on. Excellent music !

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Sad songs? How long have you got?



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I had not heard or heard of the Steven Wilson album you mention above.

Thanks for passing that along.
Lou Reed - Street Hassle
Ship Building - various
Strange Fruit - various

Agree with Steven Wilson and The Raven that refused to sing. The instrumental version on the Blu Ray is very moving.
Edith Piaf's 'Hymne à L'amour' reads like, well, a hymn to love, which shouldn't be sad at all. However, when you know she's singing for her great love, boxer Marcel Cedran, who later died in an air crash, it becomes incredibly moving.

The story goes that her doctors later forbade her to sing it on stage for fear that she'd keel over from the toll it took on her. I actually have to skip this when it comes on the cd, otherwise I'm wreckage.

This version has handy English subs:

