
RIP Prince.

I was diagnosed with severe osteoarthritis 5 years ago.
I was prescribed tramadol.
I was reassured by the GP that it was safe, non habit forming etc..
I have now had a successful hip replacement and am desperately trying to get off tramadol which, despite my GP's false assurances turns out to be a highly addictive opiate.
I never exceeded the prescribed dose but I cannot get off the drug without suffering the most uncomfortable restless leg syndrome and unbearable calf and thigh cramping.

Addicted through no fault if my own.

Sorry to read that. I was on Tramadol for a while, when I got out of hospital. I stopped taking it as soon as I could, because I knew it was highly addictive, despite what some doctors might say.

I haven't taken a mind-altering chemical to get high since December 1994. The only time I have been out of my head, was when I woke up on a hospital trolley after being operated on. It was a high I wasn't familiar with. I was so happy, I started telling the doctors and nurses bad jokes. Funnily enough I now know an anesthetic nurse, who probably administered the drug to me when I was unconscious.

I started obsessing about using the drug a few weeks later, because I had never felt that kind of high before. I went to Narcotics Anonymous to talk about this and luckily the obsession went away.

My guess is I was given an opioid. I know what heroin/morphine feel like and this was different. I wonder if it was fentanyl?


