
Retro Tech pics


Hat and Beard member
A load of Happisnaps taken at today’s Retro Tech exhibition/meeting/bring and buy. I bought one of the items shown as it was an utter bargain. No prizes for guessing which one! I’ve also included a couple of shots of forum members I met should you fancy a guessing game.















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Looks great! I wish there was an equivalent up here.

PS I’m betting on the Sun Bear Concerts for £20, which is indeed a bargain assuming it is remotely playable, but I’ll be a bit disappointed it isn’t the JVC TV (which I am assuming is bright orange, if not it really should be).
Looks great! I wish there was an equivalent up here.

PS I’m betting on the Sun Bear Concerts for £20, which is indeed a bargain assuming it is remotely playable, but I’ll be a bit disappointed it isn’t the JVC TV (which I am assuming is bright orange, if not it really should be).

Correct on both counts! A voice from behind one of the stalls greeted me and when I looked a little puzzled said ‘you don’t recognise me without my whippets, do you?’ I realised it was a fellow I often chat with when out walking - in fact it was his hatless bald head that threw me. He lives about three miles from me - neither of us had the faintest notion that we shared the same interest. As we spoke my eyes kept drifting to the Sun Bear box. Vinyl - looks as new, box - top half very scruffy and stuck together with tape that is falling off but otherwise fine. (I don’t know what the proper gradings are for that.) And as I had no cash I haven’t even paid for it yet, I’m going to call on him with the dosh next week. I now feel duty-bound to pay him more, as it really is a bargain.

As for the TV...

Phwoar! Looks great! I'm intrigued by the brand new Leak ST20s.

Photos have reminded me how much I"m looking forward to Audiojumble in Tonbridge later this month :)
I’ve just discovered what an Emor Globe is, and now I want one. Oh no. Why can’t I leave well alone?
I was there too. There were a few items I could have taken away but then thought what I would actually do with them. My dream of finding a blown up NAP160 for a tenner never to be fulfilled. I had a good chat with the broadcast engineers about TV cameras.

PS. This was probably the first time I've been up close and personal to 405 line TV sets. The ones they showed working didn't half whine. Everyone must have had tinnitus back in the day. When I have room I would definitely like a proper Bakelite radio again.
This was probably the first time I've been up close and personal to 405 line TV sets. The ones they showed working didn't half whine. Everyone must have had tinnitus back in the day.

Blimey. I didn’t hear a thing. What’s that, around 10k IIRC? Seems like only yesterday I could hear 625 flyback whistle. Oh well, more proof (as if I needed any) that there’s no need for an Old Person to spend gazillions trying to squeeze the last smidgen out of those cymbal harmonics! Spend the money on music instead. And an Emor Globe, obvs.

I tried to get a picture of a Dalek, but it was pretty crummy.

Great pictures....

Sadly, I missed it again this year, prior commitments.

Maybe for next year we should have a PFM old fuddy gits outing?

