
Recommended Simple Measuring App


pfm Member
Can someone recommend a simple sound measuring app that can be used with an iphone / ipad ?

Maybe something that measures a white noise input to give in room measurements. I'd like to measure and spot any issues with the sound spectrum in my room & with different components.

Doesn't need to be 100% accurate, and i wouldn't expect this on an iphone/ipad
Octave RTA or FFT Plot, both by the same developer. I think there’s a version which combines both into one app.

Here’s what Octave RTA looks like:


PS That’s just random playing around with cartridge loading, pink noise from HFA69 record, measured from the listening seat.
If you want to get some usable info then I would recommend spending £100-ish on a MiniDSP UMIK-1 USB measurement microphone. You can use it with Room EQ Wizard which is free software and it'll be a lifelong investment if you're at all interested in response measurements, tweaking, and it's especially useful if you ever want to integrate a subwoofer :)

