
Potential Level 4 heat warning for Sunday/Monday/Tuesday in England (i.e., you might die)

Yes, a good idea. Others, amongst the many things we could do, include:

Don’t fly anywhere
Use cars less. If you are going to have a car, use sparingly, maintain it property and keep for its useful economic life rather than have a new one every 2 or 3 years.
Use public transport less
Don’t use boats
Don’t buy tat from China
Don’t have kids
Turn the heating down and put a jumper on
Get rid of multi box Naim systems left on 24/7

Yep, that's me. Especially the not having kids, this need to pro-create that nearly everyone seems to have needs to change.
It is kind of the primary instinct of any living being, might be a tough call to change it.

what? pleasure? booze, good food, fast cars and sex (the ordering of the list is irrelevant).

planet is fvcked, too late to save it.....disaster is upon us.....we'll be dead.....
Not my primary instinct. And intelligent beings should be smart enough to overcome such a stupid instinct.

It's not stupid, it is hard coded for living beings and life would die out without such a strong urge to reproduce.

We have the intellectual ability to control this of course and contraception to manage when we cannot abstain from the act itself. Your reasons and anyone elses is their own business. It is intensely personal but the urge is still very powerful.
what? pleasure? booze, good food, fast cars and sex (the ordering of the list is irrelevant).

planet is fvcked, too late to save it.....disaster is upon us.....we'll be dead.....

Reproducing - see post above as well.

Although I like your list better

