
Possible GB - Bloor Edwards Switches


pfm Member
Okie Dokie – there may be an opportunity for a Group Buy of some Bloor Edwards rotary switched from their PZ and PXR range.
DISCLAIMER:I have no pecuiary or other interest in Bloor Edwards, I will gain no personal benefit from organising a GB other than any possible discount from which all members participating will benefit.

I'm definitely going to buy various bits for myself and saw this as an opportunity to possibly benefit other PFM members.

This is just a ‘feeler’ post to see what the level of interest would be – also please note , it would only be for the two ranges outlined below.

Yes I have already noted that some products are out of stock, but supplies are due in, in the new year.

IF there is enough interest (I’m anticipating a discount if we can reach a total purchase of about 10 or more items) I will co-ordinate and organise it.

A good friend used the PZ for his stepped attenuator and I am more than a little impressed with the build and quality of these products which are significantly cheaper than e.g. ELMA switches, but IMHO different, but just as good.

Data sheet, dimensions etc for rotary switches for e.g. stepped attenuators:

More information on the above:
I’m planning on getting a 4 pole 23 way PZ switch to build a stepped attenuator ladder volume control

Bloor Edwards also do an excellent range of selector switches:

If you are interested, please just add to this thread with what items would interest you and I’ll collate all the information.

Being Christmas and the New Year, I don’t expect to have any firm prices, (that will depend on overall quantities), potential delivery dates etc. till about mid January at the latest.

Wishing all you fellow ‘Fishies’ a Peaceful Christmas,

They do look good quality Graham
I would be interested in a 6 way selector switch, make before break and gold plated
I would also be interested in a 23way 2 wafer for a stepped attenuator, gold plated PCBs

Great - we may be the only ones, or may its a very slow burn start. I'll leave the thread open for about another 2 weeks and I'll keep you and anyone else interested updated via the thread.
Don't hold my feet to the fire, but I'm hopeful,of a 10% discount 🤞
I'll be closing this thread next Friday 12th Jan.
I am hopeful of a 10% discount on any orders placed - (but please note this is not yet guaranteed)
Wishing you all as unstrssful 2024 as possible.

